JoinedTopics Started by TotallyADD
Hello to everyone from Totally ADD
by TotallyADD insorry new at this after all i have add.
been lurking for 3 years.
my better half sign up with you back in may of last year.
WT Society wants Elders to Conceal Information to Psychiatrists- Elders Bk.
by flipper inmy wife and i have read carefully through chapter 5 of the new elders manual when we do our " personal study " in bed on saturday mornings !
so without further delay , notice this quote from the new elders manual, " there are times when an emotionally distressed christian may seek professional help.
whether a christian or his family pursues treatment from psychiatrists , psychologists, or therapists is a personal decision.
Confessions of a Wayward Pioneer
by Giordano infrank was concerned that they might be dumping them in the woods or something so he wanted me to check it out.. i had a hard time convincing h and h to let me join them in service, finally i dropped a few hints that i was a pretty laid back brother who didn't always follow wtbts policy......... which wasn't far from the truth.
this guy was hard core.
this guy was hard core.
Does your Cat want to sit on your Lap while you are on the Toilet .....?
by flipper ini don't know what it is ...... but it's becoming disconcerting.
he's going to just have to sit outside the door and wait.
i know it will be dissappointing to him , as he purrs like crazy while gathering in the experience.
WT Society Has to be Forced by Courts to Reveal Hidden Child Abuses
by flipper inin one of the new pieces of information in the new elders manual - section 5:18 - it shows how elders are instructed to keep all judicial committee information private from media or attorneys.
keeping in mind how secretive the wt society has been in hiding child abuse within the jehovah's witnesses notice these instructions to elders now.. it states, " if a member of the media or an attorney representing the accused ( or possibly victims ) contacts the elders , they should not give him any information about the case or verify there is a jc.
rather, they should give the following explanation, " the spiritual and physical welfare of jehovah's witnesses is of paramount concern to the elders, who have been appointed to " shepherd the flock ".
Info For Newbies and Current Jehovah's Witnesses! Please Read!
by mentallyfree31 inexample: gravity is real.
because if 607 bce is wrong, then so is 1914 and 1918 and 1919. very simple.
so if we cannot trust secular research, then we can definitely discard the date of 607 bce.
Has Your Personality Changed Since Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus ini have an aquaintance that likes to say, "once an a hole always an a hole".
i guess you could reason that whatever your religious views were, your core is you are who you are.. did your personality change for better or worse when you left the organization?.
Anyone else here with ADD/ADHD?
by proplog2 ini have had this problem all my life.
i have a child that also has it.
since people with adhd have a problem fitting into organizations do you think it may be one of the reasons why you just couldn't take the jw's any more.
What show scared you as a kid?
by Been there inposting on wtlies thread i got to thinking about the shows i watched as a kid.
there were a couple that scared the &*^% out of me.
the old twilight zone where the little demon guy was on the airplane wing was really scary.