A cat and a mouse died and went to heaven on the same day. St Peter asked the mouse the next day how he was enjoying heaven so far. The mouse declared that heaven was so grand and big he wondered if he could have a pair of rollerskates so he could see more. He asked the cat how he was enjoying heaven; he said in amazment 'just when I thought it couldn't get any better I discovered meals on wheels'
JoinedPosts by Babyruth
Here's a cute joke...
by ohiocowboy ini thought that this was cute so i wanted to share.... .
a stalk of broccoli says "i look like a small tree"!.
a mushroom looks around and says "i look like an umbrella"!.
What do you think would happen if somebody in the GB needed blood
by keep inwould they refuse the transfusion?
or come up with a "new understanding" that you can accept blood in certain situations?.
btw as you can see this is my first post so hi.
I think what would happen is that someone in the Writing Department is composing a beautiful color brochure to be passed out at the upcoming funeral.
My Daughters House Burned Down
by Babyruth inmy daughters house burned down and her and her husband and three children got out with just the jammies on their back.
when her husband called his parents ( dad is elder and both parents are regular pioneers) the next morning, they told him they were sorry that they were unable to come and help as 'big wig' brother, head of the branch had just died and they were going to be with his grieving wife and son!?!
it's been a week now and they are still a no-show as they are too busy with their bible studies and service to even see their son and three grandchildren.
My daughters house burned down and her and her husband and three children got out with just the jammies on their back. When her husband called his parents ( dad is elder and both parents are Regular Pioneers) the next morning, they told him they were sorry that they were unable to come and help as 'big wig' Brother, Head of the Branch had just died and they were going to be with his grieving wife and son!?! It's been a week now and they are still a no-show as they are too busy with their Bible Studies and service to even see their son and three grandchildren. Now that's what I call the height of hyporacy! A truly Christian attitude, putting "dead important Brother" and bible studies before their own son and his family who are left with no worldlly possesions, home including their cars. This precious family is now under my care in my home, they are my "fine china' who I treat with gentle loving care, not like "paper plates" that are so easily discarded by super christian parents who are more interested in putting kingdom interests first......
College and the Watchtower: Remember One Thing
by metatron inif any of you lurkers listen to a rant by the society against college, remember one thing:.
the brother giving the talk is probably an utter hypocrite.. there are a few exceptions but consider that many elders are financially secure - which allows them to be elders.
while they talk about not planning for the future because armageddon 'is so close', they have pensions, ira's, roth accounts and investments.
I made an inquiry to my Dad if the 20 yr old Regular Pioneer nephew had aspirations of serving at Bethal. His reply was that he would like to go however Bethel will only take those having special skills. I told Dad I thought that it was very hypocritical of them to condem getting a higher education to get a special skill, yet only accept workers who had one. The nephew is currently supporting himself as a window washer....go figure...
In a funeral... or when the JWs want to show they're different
by hijosdelawatch ina couple of days ago i went to the funeral of an old age brother in his 80s.. well, that was the typical jw funeral although his daughter and the rest of his family are not witnesses.
as you know the brothers don't wear black clothes nor they show lot of sadness as a "prove" they believe in resurrection.. the problem this time is some of them went too far.
two sisters had red clothing and at the entrance a group of brothers were literally laughing.
At my mom's Witness funeral, a 'Sister' came up to me, I thought that she would offer her condolences. Instead she said " I can't believe that your not wearing pink. After all that was your mom's favorite color." AND not a word of condolence either.
Is this HARD evidence that the INTERNET is hurting the Watch Tower Society?
by cedars inthese are the countries with 80 to 89.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 70 to 79.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 60 to 69.99% internet penetration:.
Wow Cedars! I'm impressed by your interesting graphs and information. It seems to me that the WTSociety is calling the kettle black in warnings against the internet while they have their own internet site for providing religious consumption. It reminds me of a quote from Sigmund Freud: " The more the fruits of knowledge become accessible to men, the more widespread is the decline of religious belief"
Had a Frustrating Discussion with Mom...
by tenyearsafter inmy 80 something year old mom is a die hard jw, but to her credit, she has not shunned me.
as would be expected, she is always "praying" that i return to jah and get reinstated.
is consistent...every time my wife and i see her, she always tries to steer the conversation to "how bad the world" has become.. today, she escalated the "theocratic attack" by coming out directly and asking me what i thought of world conditions.
I can feel that many of you are frustrated with your parents like me....raised in the organization, pioneered, ministerial servant and elder until I was 50. I feel the organization left me I didn't leave it. I couldn't be a hypocrite and go to peoples doors or speak from the stage about a time table the organization said was from Jah that wasn't true.
My heart goes out to all of you who have parents as I do still loyal to the organization. My Mom and Dad in there Mid and late 80's like yours and see things only one way and I have come to realize that is OK. We still clash at times as they try to control me. I get upset that they don't see how what we were taught has changed and is no longer the truth and how a group of men tring to keep things together are reinventing and streaching a concept not truly from scripture to keep people in the fold.
We have to reallize that there is something that we saw or found in our hearts that changed us. Our parents have to see that for themselves as well. Most importantly we must never forget that a true spiritual person is measured not my how many times you go to meetings, comment or hours in field ministry but by the amount of love they allow to come in and out of there lives.
"i've got a funny feeling about this place! think it might be demon posscessed!"
by highdose indid you ever encounter jw's who claimed to be able to "sense" when somthing "dodgy" read demon posscessed was in the room?.
i've got several jw relatives who reckon that jehovah protects them by allowing them to sense this... "i always had a funny feeling about that lump of coral!".
iteams they have thrown out ( and in one case also run over several times with a bicycle just in case there was any residual demons left in it) are :.
We must be related...my in-laws are exactly like that!!
JW's Thoughts on Medical Cannabis
by bushido8000 ini've wondered this for sometime.
to all of the jws on the forum, what is your opinion on medical cannabis?
i support it for a couple of reasons.. 1. i've battled clinical depression since age 9. after my anti-depressants stopped working when i was 21, i heard about cannabis' positive effects on depression through the internet and a couple of documentaries so i tried it.
The elders in my sons congregation had already decided amongst themselves that if a drug offence ever came up again in the cong. there would be no mercy. My son who had been suffering with back pain for years with no relief from conventional medicine was given a legal prescription for medicial marijuana. It was amazing how effective this drug was in getting him out of pain. Well...his wife, a Regular Pioneer felt it was her duty to inform the elders of this. The first meeting with him, he was informed that there would by no mercy for him and he would be removed from the congregation in a effort to keep the congregation clean. His plea for mercy based on this being a legal prescription fell on stubborn deaf ears. So when the announcement was made to cong of his being Df'd much shock and murmuring when on as this was a fine Bro who was spiritually active in the cong and supporting his wifes pioneering. The next meeting there was a special needs talk given about not questioning the Elders. When the CO came around recently he came to my son to encourage him to take steps to return, he told him that the elders now have changed their view on medical marijuana. It's been over 5 yrs now and not once have the elders approached him.EVER they won't speak to him even when he goes to KHall to support his wife and children when they have parts on the program. By now he has no desire to be apart of the cong again. Not just 'sour grapes' but he sees no love from the Bros, still condemnation. Why go back to that again?
Has anyone on here ever taken a hot air ballon ride?
by Joliette ini've always wanted to go on a hot air ballon ride but i'm soooooooooo scared to do it.. has anyone on here ever done it.
how much does it cost?.
Several years ago while visiting the wine country of Napa, we got up very early to go to on our balloon ride. We had been seeing the beautiful colorful balloons for several days so we were really excited to have this experience. Well the winds were not in our favor and so after much waiting, we finally got the go ahead. So up we went, over the beautiful vineyards, but alas, the winds dissapeared and so down we went with a hard bang and a long skid tearing up rows of vines as we careened to a final stop in a gully. I tell you, after that experience I am totaly content to enjoy the hot air balloons with my two feet firmly on the ground.