Survival of the fittest. Stupid people run the risk of getting their own kids killed. It's a crime when they cause OTHER people's kids to die. Oh, no it's not since the organizer of the gun fair has been acquitted! Seems Prov 13:20 could be used here. Bet the lawyers are lined up for this one. Big insurance claim against the gun fair.
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
So an 8 year old is killed by a machine-gun and it's no ones fault?
by Simon ini think us gun laws are s-t-u-p-i-d ... and the legal system more so.
saw a very good suggestion yesterday though - force people who want to own a gun to require insurance (hey, you have to have it for a vehicle for gods sake).
single-shot hunting rifle?
Does anyone know what happens to full-time JW's(DO's, CO's, Missionaries, Special pioneers, etc) when they reach old age?
by african GB Member ini am just wondering since these people never work a secular job.
is there some sort of an arrangement from the society to care for them?
presuming they don't even have children of their own to look after them when they are old..
(In the US) I understood that some KHs added apartments where long-time COs/DOs could retire to and assist the cong. In the US, most COs probably worked secularly before getting the nod for CO and thus at 62 or 65 yrs old would have Social Security (gov't provided retirement pension, even if they were self-employed) and perhaps even a secular plan such as a 401K or union pension from their previous employer. Rarely would there be one who never was employed and thus not entitled to anything. At 65 they would get Medicare (health coverage), and if "poor" (low income, owning no property/assets -- such as living in KH apt) they could qualify for other benefits earlier on (food or utility assistance).
helpppppp please
by wondering2007 inso im in a predicament and seeking help from a few of you willing to make a phone call tommorow to the society during office hours.
ok so im here in pineville louisiana but were going to be frozen over as of tommorow night and friday night with snow ice and sleet.
the pipes on our house rboke yesterday because we also had a storm yesterday and the pipes broke overnite so now we have a mes.
Is this an example of being caught up in their control with guilt, or what???
Blow it off.
I know plenty of elders who missed their assmebly or CO visit because it conflicted with deer hunting season.
How's that for priorities?
Stay home & fix your pipes. The RBC ain't gonna do it for ya!
How many times can you be rejected for reinstatement ??
by Pitchess Co-Gen inok lets say you get disfellowshipped and because of a disagreement with your "home elders"; you move to another congregation ( i already know about the "rule" where your publisher card stays with you old congregation ).
now lets say you want to come back, but your old congregation keeps rejecting you request for reinstatement ( 3 or more times ).
is there a rule that says that after the fourth rejection the decision to reinstate goes to the new congregation ?
I never heard of such a rule. The best you can hope for is if the new congregation questions the decision of the original congregation and take the matter upline for you to their CO, or to the WTS Service Dept. by suggesting that there is unfair prejudice against you. Under such circumstances, if the the new congregation committee is adamat in expressing this, the Service Dept may send a letter to the original congregation suggesting they seriously and prayerfully review their decsion against reinstatement. They would only have any chance of influencing this decision if you live too far of a distance to meet with the original congregation elders and thus you are meeting with a committe of the new congregation which reports their opinion to the old committee.
If you are only speaking of a matter of a year or so that you are awaiting reinstatement, this is a moot point. It will just be said that not enough time has passed.
Verifiable Former Bethelite Willing to Answer questions
by Uzzah ini am a former active poster here, former elder, former bethelite and pretty much known by people on the xjw boards since the mid 90's.
gawd that makes me sound old.. i notice that a great deal of uproar is being made by allegations of a hide in the closet alleged bethelite.
to counter the damage caused by this claim, i am happy to address any questions people may have about bethel, protocol, etc.. i was at the canada branch for 11 years, worked in multiple areas including the legal department, service desk and writing dept.
i was asked to leave due to looking at porn while there (friend mentioned that max larson said on avg 2 ppl are brought up a week at branch committee meetings due to looking at porn, one week had 7 bros brought up, so its a real issue in the org right now)
You definately got the shaft bro, as I know elders are no longer removed for (soft) porn anymore (hard porn = rape, child, sadistic, etc). When I first read the QFR speaking of hard vs. soft porn, I was confident it was because 1/2 of all appointed bros would have to be removed if porn continued as disqualifying offense.
After seeing new KS elder book, I can see now where almost anything could be covered over by the one-time lapse in judgement loophole as long as there is little or no notoriety. All you need is to be in-tight with the rest of your BOE and nearly anything can be dismissed. There is a BIG effort to retain those willing to serve as loving shepherds to the flock [cough/gag/sputter]. Notoriety is the big issue. SECRET sins are excusable if you humbly promise not to do it [or at least not to get caught doing it] ever again.
More Partaking at Memorial, Could It Be the Elderly?
by Franklin Massey inthis is not a conspiracy theory, although the goofy title may suggest otherwise.
the memorial partakers keep going up and up each year.
there are obvious reasons for this and the wt, feeling the embarassment and threat to the 144,000 doctrine has addressed it in the publications.. but i was thinking back on an odd situation that happened with two older, long time, faithful jws.
All the "newly annointed" that I ever knew were not elderly when they started partaking, more 30s to mid-life (and all on meds for depression).
The 144,000 and the Great Crowd of Revelation
by Leolaia in8-11; ch.
as in ch.
like the "great crowd", they are "of every race, language, people, and nation (cf.
we all know that Freddie Franz had a hard-on for being ELITE. He resented anyone claiming that they were newly annointed. Just listen to anyone of his taped talks. He is always ranting about how special he and his freinds are. NO NEW REPLACEMENTS! - Remember that WT ??? CLOSING OF THE CALL IS 1935 - YOU CANT BE SPECIAL LIKE ME - I guess with Freddie dead they have capitalized on his absence and thrown all that in the garbage.
Aren't all of the GB2.0 "newly" annointed? I don't think any are old enough to be from the pre-1935 class. I think the oldest is 75 thus born in 1935. None have served on GB more than about 10 years.
Hello Everyone...Just Joined Today
by DarioKehl ini've been reading this thread for some time and finally had the opportunity to create an account.
i am anxious to meet you all and have a support group/active audience over the next crucial months and years following.
background: long-time doubter, giving way to frustration and skepticism beginning about 10 years ago and finally to total admission that this is a cult and that atheism is the way to go.
I'm still a member of the bOrg officially and will not reveal any identifying hints about my identity/whereabouts
Isn't it true that some here evidently have been outted when they were identified from their posts?? I am assuming it is from them posting too much personal information and that one's identity cannot be determined here from IP address or such.
Ostracism: anyone with legal background on this forum who could help?
by Nick! inhere in europe, we have started different initiatives aiming at exposing publicly and legally the watchtower on the subject of ostracism, discrimination and shunning.. in the past we have seen different manifestations held in front of kingdom halls or branch offices on issues such as pedophilia and blood transfusions policies, and even, such as in france, against building of real-estates.
now it seems that the issue of discrimination against disfellowshipped or dissociated people is gaining momentum.
we have seen the large demonstrations in brazil, and maybe the lesser important ones elsewhere.
Sorry, don't know how to edit, so here is link:
Ostracism: anyone with legal background on this forum who could help?
by Nick! inhere in europe, we have started different initiatives aiming at exposing publicly and legally the watchtower on the subject of ostracism, discrimination and shunning.. in the past we have seen different manifestations held in front of kingdom halls or branch offices on issues such as pedophilia and blood transfusions policies, and even, such as in france, against building of real-estates.
now it seems that the issue of discrimination against disfellowshipped or dissociated people is gaining momentum.
we have seen the large demonstrations in brazil, and maybe the lesser important ones elsewhere.
This tells about a settlement in a 1998 lawsuit where a Bethelite was providing a ride for a congregation member who was killed when Bethelite driver had a vehicle accident. Family members for the deceased woman included the WTS as a defendant in the lawsuit and WTS made a $1.5 million settlement rather than let it set a precedent that said Bethelite was their 'agent' and opening them to the jury determining the award.
Could the WTS be brought into lawsuit as an agent where a case involves: elder/speaker traveling to convention; publisher/MS/elder/pioneer hauling carload of people in service or to meetings; driver running to pickup supplies for KH quickbuild?