Wish they'd quit it with this shit. It just fuels the persecution complex of every JW.
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Authorities Raid Russian Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Bangalore inhttps://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/12/31/authorities-raid-russian-jehovahs-witnesses-uthorities-raid-russian-jehovahs-witnesses-a68786.
authorities raided homes of jehovah’s witnesses in northern russia as part of a criminal probe into extremism against the banned religious organization, investigators said in a statement monday.. russia banned the christian denomination known for door-to-door preaching, close bible study and rejection of military service and blood transfusions in 2017. rights groups have condemned the crackdown against the jehovah’s witnesses as a violation of religious freedom.
investigators in the city of murmansk accused worshippers of “knowingly conducting the activities of the religious organization from april 2017 to the present time.” .
Watchtowers Real Estate Website...www.watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com/
by NikL inis this for real?.
apologies if this has been brought up before..
Hell no!
They sold every parcel they once owned in Brooklyn. Nothing more to advertise.
"Do You think that 8 million are being deceived?" Ways to answer this?
by BottleGate_ inmine is : jws preach that the entire population of the earth has been deceived ..
I don't know about the other 7,999,999, but I sure the hell was deceived!
meeting attendance
by asp59 inhow much has meeting attendance gone down say the last 10-15 years at khs do you think?
in percentage.
Since their plan is to merge Congregations, I expect that the actual attendance figures (per Cong) have increased. It's good biz policy. A full building looks better and is more exciting than a 1/2 empty room. (Think Trump rally vs Biden town hall.)
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
To me, “genuine, old school” would suggest that they felt the calling before the old rules changed — before 1935. Thus they would have had to have been born before 1915. So they are all dead. The ones I knew as a child seems like any other JW, just older.
Whereas any “new partaker” that I have known has had issues with mental illness, usually bi-polar. Additionally, I think that anyone who really thinks they have this special personal calling from God to rule over all their JW peers has to at least a bit narcissistic and an inflated opinion of themself.
Favorite Bumper Stickers!
by The Bethelite inone the jws like.. "get busy!
god is coming and he is pissed.".
one the that people who are not jws like.. "please god protect me from your people".
“Put down your damn phone and drive!”
During the Reagan administration:
”Jane Wyman was right!”
When was it time for you to walk away from your congregation meetings and the WTBTS?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe basic virtue for a human being is to be true to yourself – the integrity of thought, emotion, and action.. .
ten years ago ( after 32 years as a jehovah's witness), i finally decided that my own mental sanity and being true to myself was more important than attending congregation meetings and serving the watchtower society.
i stopped (years before) field service, the ministry school, answering at the watchtower studies, missed numerous meetings and walked in minutes before the meetings started and left after the closing prayer, i knew it was time to leave.
Doubts in 1985 — generation change. More doubts 2010 — another generation change. Packed it up that same year when I realized there was really no divine (Holy Spirit) direction in the Borg. (Yes. I really did believe that BS.) 😡 Totally embarrassed and feel like a gullible fool.
It’s all a sham.
'Experiences(tm)'! Made up or totally true??
by punkofnice inat one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
I think most are “based on real events”. Kinda like any Hollywood movie that makes that statement. (HAHA) IOW, lots of “poetic license”. Not quite absolute lies
Things like “lost my job” get changed to “sought early retirement” (to pioneer, etc).
Joe Biden and Push-up Contests
by minimus inin the past, the former vp has challenged trump to a push-up contest and today he did again , only this time to an 83 year old man who told biden that he thought he was too old to run for president.
it appears biden called him fat and unlike the man he wasn’t sedentary.
then he challenged the man to a push-up contest.
Yes, there are plenty of Dem VP candidates. Of the 23 in the debate, I suspect about 20 of them were hoping to be selected as VP for Biden or Sanders. That would give them about a 50-50 chance of being president in the next four years as both of them are old enough to die in the White House.
WT study 8 December
by road to nowhere inhad to look.
first paragraph mentions that most of were probably born after 1914. most?
i bet the dubs 105 and older can be counted on your fingers..
The reason they call them the Last Days -- because they last.......and they last......and they last.......and........