This discussion board attracts all sorts of people; the only thing we have in common is an interest in Jehovah's Witnesses. Some are informative, clear-thinking individuals. Some are not, but open to contrary thoughts. And then there are 'the prophets' who promote all sorts of predictions and off the wall beliefs.
The OP (and others like him) needs to take a deep breath and reevaluate his approach Bible prophecy.
Honest, guys, God did not appoint you to be modern-day prophets. And as expositors, you fail. As an earlier comment said: "when these predictions do not lead to divine intervention and the establishment of god's kingdom, peoplewill learn their lesson and stop making predictionswill wait for the next 'time of distress' and make the same predictions all over again."
Maybe see a counselor.
Viv-- That has to be the best post you've made! Right on the mark! Especially the final thought.