The result is that they are feeling betrayed by the vast majority of our "friends" who have only shown conditional love for them.
We can truly relate to that. We had one last JW friend that had stated in contact with reminders of the Memorial time and secret passcode to the Zoom Meeting, and CO visits, and assemblies (online recordings), but it seems they have now disappeared also. All the other "friends" have been out of touch for several years now.
We reflected on the fact that either no one noticed we were no longer there, or no one cared. (Yeah, that stings but I guess it's better than getting constantly badgered.) Certainly no one thought of Jude 23 and attempting to "snatch us out of the fire" if they had any inkling of us having some spiritual weakness. No one left their 99 sheet to rescue the 1 who had strayed (Matt 18, Luke 15).