The Watchtower's concept of "new light" allows them to alter previous teachings when they no longer fit current circumstances or interpretations.
". . . . when they no longer fit current circumstances or interpretations."
There are the key words. They NEVER "see the light" in advance. No, it's always AFTER the old light has been proven false and REQUIRES CORRECTION. As 2014 approached and "all those who witnessed the signs" of the beginning of The Last Days were dead, their "OH SHIT!" alarm goes off and they see they have to change the doctrine.
So it was when the number of the "remnant" started rising instead of diminishing. First, they said any increase was from those still clinging to their doctrines of Christendom, OR . . . . the new (younger) members who were partaking of the Emblems were MENTALLY ILL. (I do still believe the latter excuse.) Since "The Big A" still has not come to bail their ass out of this dilemma, it's time for another CORRECTION.
So it is with WT and their Divine Direction.
Holy Spirit my ass!