You are a beautiful women and I'm sure your grandmother knows that, you are giving her all you can - Your love. I feel your pain - I'm in a simular situation (will post it later.)
Peace - LL
i have never felt more helpless in my life.
my grandma is sick, dying, and there is nothing i can do.
when i look at her, i see this echo of a woman that once was vital, strong and alive.
You are a beautiful women and I'm sure your grandmother knows that, you are giving her all you can - Your love. I feel your pain - I'm in a simular situation (will post it later.)
Peace - LL
+ - 10 min.
Very, very, very touching.
Here's another link, it list all the victims:
Peace - LL
greetings from the uk!
we were invited to a conference to speak on sl issues and had a very productive weekend.
it appears many here are very aware of the abuse issue and want to get involved.
Ain't No Stopping Us Now :)
Peace - LL
bruce baker, who led the press conference a week ago, in seattle, just called to tell me that the reporter who wrote the article for the seattle times, had called him to say there were 36 victims who replied to her after her article came out.
they all have told her the information is correct, but that they are fearful of "coming out" because they are still active jw's, and are in fear of being df'd.
she is planning an in-depth article in the times to correspond with the march on september 27.. stay tuned.
Like Whoa! This is BIG. Can't wait for the results.
Thanks for the info.
Peace - LL
well, here we are with the twentieth of our weekend polls!
doesn't time fly when you're having fun!
this weekend's poll is a serious topic and invites us to exercise our dub trained minds to solve a problem in helping us to reach to those who want to honestly look at their situation within the organisation.
3 & 9
Peace - LL
this is my first time posting.
i have been reading all the post for about 6 months.
i now have gotten up enough nerve to post.
Welcome aboard Grace. Looking forward to your experiences.
Peace and Security - LL
i was able to hold silentlambs press conference in tucson, az.
there were only two of us but we made the news on an abc affiliate.
silentlambs and the plight of jw pedophile survivors was brought out during the tv interview.
John - Thanks for taking the lead on that. It's a small step that's going to play a larger role in the near future of exposing the BORG for what it is. Thanks a million for your efforts. Please keep us posted with any new developments.
Peace my Brother - LL
september 13th, 1996 - september 13th, 2002.. today marks the 6 year anniversary of tupac's death.. i remember it like it was yesterday.. that was the only instance in which a celebrity died that when i heard of his passing, i wept.. often misinterpreted and misunderstood, he was one of the most controversial, passionate, influential, and powerful artists of a generation.
my generation.. in my opinion the greatest artist of the era, and many share my opinion.
undoubtedly a legend in his own time.. a poet, lyricist, political and social activist, like most shining stars that illuminate so brightly that they blind all who glare at it.. he was snuffed out at a young age.. and far too soon.. a conflicted soul, the passion, suffering, and desire for change in this world was ever present in his lyrics, and no current artist has been able to match that power of expression.. many theories abound as to what really happened that fateful night in las vegas.. the recent article in the la times proposes that his archrival, christopher wallace, aka the notorious b.i.g., of bad boy records, with whom he had an ongoing feud at the time, was directly responsible for his murder.. others believe that suge knight was the mastermind behind the offense.. yet others think that he is still alive, for indeed many coincidences and gaping holes in facts surround his shooting and autopsy.. i could delve into theories and my own opinions of what happened... but i do not wish to detract from the purpose of this post.. some say music is food for the soul, and can aid someone in getting through troubled times in their lives or in coping with stress and depression.
Good 1.
I got into 2Pac heavily after I left the BORG - He's amazing. When I analyzed his lyrics I said "there is no way he wrote that!" After a while, I realize he did. The lyrical gymnasiums is spell bounding. As strange as it may seem I always wonder how 2pac and Biggie would have turned out if they had a real father in their lives.
Speaking of Rap (really Hip Hop), here's my top 4:
Biggie (For having a fu*king good time) Even when I was in the BORG advising kids not to listen to Rap, I couldn't help listening to Biggie.
KRS-1 (For the educated lyrics and consiousness - Don't sleep on his beats)
2Pac (For everything, I could write a book on his lyrics)
Rakim (True Hip Hop)
Just to show my ignorance in the Rap game - While I was in the BORG. One of the Elders told me 'Larry, we have to talk with 'young bro. so and so, b/c he wants to be down with the Wu-Tang Clan." I said "What's a Wu-Tang?"
Damn - I've came a long way :)
Peace - LL
when i read about those who think that there is some major power struggle at bethel-i often wonder how much do they really understand about the guys in charge .
you see with a one man show (rutherford, knorr to some degree before 75/76, russell) all you need to do is change one guys view and it is done .
anyone who knows how middle management and committees work know that nothing gets done or changed many times cause no one wants to take the blame and risk losing their cushy positions by being removed by the others who will say: .
So these days are gone? - "Anyone who donated ten dollars to the Society was eligible to cast one vote at board elections. Contributors could cast one additional vote for each ten-dollar increment contributed above a minimum donation."
JT, as always, thanks for the insight. I remember they would always post the upcoming meetings in the 'Tower, and every time I asked a 'Heavy' what are the annual meetings like, they would say "it's no big deal." I also remember getting the notes and using the experiences in a talk.
Any voting members women?
Peace - LL
last week we enjoyed a thread where many discussed the pros and cons of dubdom and comments have been made that exjws can be overtaken with negativity, and that this board displays far too much malice towards the r&f.
a view is held that the r&f are really nice people and they are innocent of sins committed by the borg.
the argument goes that individuals, whether on the gb or publishers in a local congregation, are all victims of some organisational spirit.
Good post.
Sounds like the same principle the BORG applies to Christendom is applicable to the R&F in association to the BORG - Guilty by association. Or applicable to our judicail system - Acting in concert.
Granted, many Dubs don't realize the extent of their evilness, but it still doesn't excuse their evil acts and thoughts against non believers. I would still be willing to overlook all of that, but their actions (consciously or unconsciously) cost people their lives, families, finances, sanity, dignity, and respect.
Peace - LL