JoinedTopics Started by LovelyEunie
"Who are we to question /god/?"
by LovelyEunie inhas anyone had this line said to them when there was questioning involved?
did it irritate you because when questioning did happen that line was almost always used as a shut down to keep you from going any further and to make you feel guilty in the process?
because we're just idiotic and feeble minded human beings, so surely we can't possibly begin to question the likes of god.
What my mother should have done.
by LovelyEunie inthis is somewhat of a rant but every time i think of it it just pisses me off.. .
i never understood why my mom would never switch to another hall or whatever when she knew how i was treated by the people who were supposedly the 'best' association around.
my older sister also, because neither of us really had any jw friends because for whatever reason i guess we were pegged as the baddies because our dad wasn't witness (still isn't) and my mother stayed sick a lot so she wasn't able to do half of whatever was required.. .
How have your opinions changed?
by LovelyEunie inhow have your opinions changed on subjects like premarital sex, gay marriage, higher education, music, smoking, interfaith marriage etc... and do you think they have changed for the better?
personally i feel like everybody has the right to choose their own path, free to make their own choices outside of the jw's and everybody within their religion needs to deal with it and move on, like they expect everyone else to do when they made the choice to become a jw.. i have no problem with homosexuality, seeing that i'm bisexual myself; i used to hate it when my mother would get angry with me because i wouldn't tell my gay friends that it was wrong and disgusting and one day god was gonna killl them kill them for it, when she knew i was too, it was hypocracy at it's finest.
smoking is so not a moral choice to me, it's a health choice.
Needs help telling my mom that I dont want to be apart of her religion
by LovelyEunie ini really don't know how to just tell my mom that i dont want to do be a jw, i mean i really shouldn't have to tell her if she'd actually pay attention to my attitude everytime she goes on a religious rant, but she chooses to stay blind and keeps making me go to that place and sit through meetings that i don't agree with on most occasions...i think that she thinks that if she keeps making me go then i'll miraculously have a change of heart and want to stay in (which will never happen).
i don't want to be disrepectful about it but since she obviously doesn't care about my feelings towards it, then why should i care if i hurt her feelings in the process, you know?
i just really don't know what to do, everytime i go to that place i feel fake because everthing they instruct us not to do, i've pretty much done it or will do it with no remorse, and i don't care either way.
Considered rebellious because I choose to think for myself
by LovelyEunie inhi all, this is my first post.
but i was one of those kids that was born into the whole jw thing, and like a good little witness kid i did everything i was supposed to do to please my parents (mainly my mom my dad's an unbeliever).
my mom was very strict with me when it came to everything they taught, no holiday parttys at school, no sports, no worldy friends, i was only supposed to associate with other jw kids (my mom is one of those extremist jws, she says she doesn't judge, but she's a perfect example of one one of those sisters with the holier than thou attitude).