Hi Waiting,
My daughters are teen-agers. All their friends still in the org so
there is a pull there; but they are in positions to make friends
elsewhere now. And they can see the change in me.
exactly one year ago three other families joined us at our vacation home for a week of relaxation and stimulating conversation.
of the four men, three were elders and the other a ministerial servant.
together these four had 116 years as appointed servants.
Hi Waiting,
My daughters are teen-agers. All their friends still in the org so
there is a pull there; but they are in positions to make friends
elsewhere now. And they can see the change in me.
exactly one year ago three other families joined us at our vacation home for a week of relaxation and stimulating conversation.
of the four men, three were elders and the other a ministerial servant.
together these four had 116 years as appointed servants.
Jst2laws: I could have used a brother like you last year, but how
would I have known you? There may have been those in my own
congregation feeling as you do, but we would never have felt free
enough to talk. The few who called me after I stopped going to
meetings (10/17/00) were wts through and through. I tested the
water a bit with them then backed away when they spouted the org
I disassociated last February (announced in March); my reasoning
may have been faulty but I wanted to set the example for my
daughters and show them life outside the wts. My younger daughter
has researched cults on the internet all on her own and told me
the other day the wts is a cult, it fits the profile of one. My
older daughter has decided to stop pioneering for a while and go
to college. I see these as positive steps toward thinking for
All I ever told them was what I told the PO in my DA letter..I no
longer agree with everything the wts teaches. It doesn't matter
what it is that I disagree with because there isn't anything one
can disagree with and still remain a member. The latest on
disagreement came out in an article this past summer...you are not
to even harbor thoughts that are in disagreement with the fds.
The scriptural foundation that I want for my daughters is faith
in Christ Jesus and I taught them that long before we were sucked
into the wts cult.
I pray you have success in your endeavors.
i daed myself then was dfed then was sponcered into the elks lodge.. i now pledge alegence to my country again pray for our leaders and help the poor and misfortunate of the city i live in which is las vegas , nevada, usa.. it feels good to ask some one how are you doing without having an alternative motive of placing literature.. i also joined the chamber of commerce for networking and community service.. we just went to our first breakfast at the elks lodge...guest what they were so friendly and put the jws to shame.
there were not any chiques (clicks) or hypocracy.
i didn't hear any bad mouthing of any members.
Sounds pretty good rekless!
I helped conduct the flag placing on veterans' graves today.
BTW, not that it matters any more, but how can you be df'd
after you disassociated?
went over to a disassociated witnesses house the other night,.
former org hatchet man,now as violently opposed to the org as he was, once, enslaved by them.. hes talkin "raymond franz says this...franz says that" all night.. it made me sick to my guts.. franz was pure borg heirachy, born and bred to power.. now hes opposed (if he aint dead by now)and these ex borg mind slaves are still listening to the guy like hes a repository of truth.. im not attacking ray franz,hes probably a nice guy,im just floating an idea.
what is a free mind?.
Something VM44 touched on, because of the way cults operate,
controlling information and contact outside the cult, only
those who were in and got out can speak authoritatively
about what goes on.
Ray Franz said as much about publishing what he did....he
was in a unique position to share that information with
people who would have no other way of knowing. Even Ray was
not fully aware of the truth about the wts until he served
on the GB.
Perhaps some of your friend's reaction is due to the huge
disillusionment, despair, and feelings of betrayal experienced
when faced with the truth about the wts. Sometimes only anger
can ease that pain. Ray Franz was able to write about his
life-long experiences without malice or anger.
here's a little article out of the st. petersburgh times.
From the article: "Freedom to differ is not limited to things
that do not matter much," wrote Justice Robert Jackson. "That
would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance
is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of
the existing order." ----
JW's expelled from school for not saluting the flag...
JW's disfellowshipped from the congregation for saluting the flag...
well, i'm finally reading coc, and i must tell you that despite already being an ex-dub i was *shocked*.
the thing that got me was the gb's apparently unselfconsciously acting above all the rules that they would apply so harshly to everyone else.
maybe i'm naive, but i didn't expect that level of hypocrisy.. so what did you find most shocking in coc?
The woman who caught her husband with a sheep and
was not allowed a scriptural divorce because the GB
viewed it as not being adultery since the sheep
couldn't get pregnant. Whaaaaaaat????
And they disfellowshipped her when she did divorce him.
Then some five years later they reversed their view on
the adultery thing.
So it was no surprise when Ray revealed that the GB rarely
consulted scripture for their decisions, but always looked
to org rules.
my dub sister planned this little event to see the lion king.
she invited my two other sisters and their families and purposely left me out.
when my family asked about me, she just shrugged her shoulders -- the little hypocrite couldn't "stumble" them by telling them she was shunning her own sister.
THIS has been so encouraging!!!!
I did that to two jw's who came into the office where I work.
I greeted them with a smile and "Hello!" They were caught off-
guard and wouldn't be rude to me in front of my boss, but it
was obvious they were irritated.
Can hardly wait for the next family gathering!!
eighty five years ago today, on halloween of 1916, the founder, first president, and self-proclaimed jellyfish of the watch tower bible and tract society charles taze russell passed from this mortal vale.
some believe that he met his maker on that day.
others say that he met somebody else, and that it was somebody more commonly associated with the holiday.. at the time of his death, the self-appointed "god's only true channel" taught that:.
Russell also taught that the child of Rev 12 was the antichrist,
that the angel of the abyss, Abaddon, was the devil, Michael the
archangel represented the pope, that Russell himself was the man
with the inkhorn marking his readers with a cross...
Ahh The Finished Mystery, interesting reading.
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this subject..my mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
Soooo, they call it "sleep paralysis" and others have had it happen
to them. I just know it's scary and frustrating and I've had it
happen before I was a jw and while I was one. (hasn't happened since
I left though, but then it was never a regular thing, and I haven't
been out but a year)
Something on my back, like sitting on my shoulders, felt like a hand
grabbed the back of my head, hard. Trying to scream and can't, trying
to move and can't. The first experience was something grabbing and shaking me. I've also had what seemed like a wolf walk across the bed, just once, stiff-legged.
I always called them demon attacks. My mom said it was a bad dream
and not to tell my dad 'cause it would spook him (guess he believed
in demons). The sleep paralysis (not being able to move or scream)
has happened to my daughters too. My sister had something choking her
and pulled her hair. But she lived in a haunted house at the time.
is it not somewhat ironic that three embarassing, contradictory policy decisions involve the use of cards?.
these matters are all fully detailed and documented in current posts and in the archives.. 1. the mexican cartilla.
2. the political card in malawi.
Excellent parallel TMS.
Do I have to join the wts in order to use their library? Or would
just going to meetings be enough?