Terry did a very good job of explaining why there will never be an "absolutely accurate" or "Best" Bible translation and I don't want to be redundant but I can't see how some of you don't get what Terry was saying.
If I am a brilliant medical doctor and I write a medical text book of my vital truths which will save lives and I am still alive I have a vested interest in and a responsability to making sure it is never mistranslated, used out of context, or falsly interpreted. Living authors do just that and are seen as the final authority on their works. God is believed by many to still exist and it is believed by many that He revealed His vital Truths in the Bible through the direct inspiration of its writers so He has a vested interest in making sure it is never mistranslated, used out of context, or falsly interpreted and yet even with His great powers of omnipotentcy and omniscience He has failed miserably on every count and His "vital" message is lost in confusion among 1000 different fighting sects and He does nothing to correct it.
If we are left with the confusing turd which is our modern Bible here is your first clue that either God doesn't care or, more likely, just doesn't exist and in either case there is obviously no "urgent life-saving information" there. Vital information would have been clarified and authorized by God, and not been left to a bunch of idiotic shaved apes to figure out for themselves.