I'm not saying that I'm into this. But what makes this social taboo still unacceptable by many even today? We'll define polyamory as a sexual or romantic relationship involving more than two persons during the same time period. All persons involved understand this up front.
JoinedPosts by LucidSky
Polyamorous/Open Relationships
by LucidSky inbut what makes this social taboo still unacceptable by many even today?
we'll define polyamory as a sexual or romantic relationship involving more than two persons during the same time period.
all persons involved understand this up front.
Anti-Aging News: Blueberries
by metatron inover at yahoo/health, they have published a study strongly suggesting that a cup.
of blueberries a day may help brain function in the aged.
this is the second study.
Like everything else 'they' say, I'll bet in a few years it will be "blueberries may cause cancer".
Actually, growing up BooBerry was one of my favorite cereals. I guess that don't count!??
Edited by - LucidSky on 20 August 2002 11:56:45
on the subject of sex
by Vivamus ini am being very serious here, i am having some thoughts on the subject of sex.
what is it that determines the way you view sex?
is it upbringing, or genes?
Is the term reverse psychology applicable for us who have been in the Borg?
Oh, absolutely Viv! I feel there is an ultimate seductive appeal to that which you want but you do not have, either by choice or by circumstance. And for a JW, that of course means ANYTHING remotely sexual. Once those inhibitions are broken down, look out!
To spank or not to spank?
by Nowhere ini had a conversation with an active witness from the usa lately.
and when talking about child upbringing he stated that some children need a spank sometimes.
of course i was upset because of that, and i didn't thought witnesses was that stupid.
I remember reading some recent research on this from MSNBC. (Personally, it's much more fun among adults.)
Dub Memories, Part 3
by SYN indub memories part 3
at some point in my early teens, the complex social network in my congregation began to become fully apparent to me.
thats just a fancy way of saying that i was now capable of understanding a little bit more about the emotions of people around me.
Excellent, Syn. This just makes me wish I had jerks for elders in the hall I grew up in. I would have left sooner.
Need Damning Info. on Watchtower
by StinkyPantz ini am moving in a few months but before i go i want to sit down with my parents and present a tremendous amount of evidence against the watchtower.
i realize that some of you will say to just let them be.
well, knowing that they are in a cult-like religion is quite disheartening.
Know that sometimes a person is best left to their beliefs, no matter how wrong they may be. I eventually realized that trying to pull my parents out of the organization where they already spent their entire adult lives and where all of their friends are would just cause a lot of emotional havoc. For me it wasn't a big deal, but I think they are better off in "blinded blissfulness".
Edited by - LucidSky on 14 August 2002 9:20:1
Need Damning Info. on Watchtower
by StinkyPantz ini am moving in a few months but before i go i want to sit down with my parents and present a tremendous amount of evidence against the watchtower.
i realize that some of you will say to just let them be.
well, knowing that they are in a cult-like religion is quite disheartening.
Stink, I would have to agree with larc and dantheman. Being confrontational tends to make turn a person defensive. They will try to find any reason they can think of to disbelieve what you say. I overwhelmed my parents with Biblical evidences that the JW's were wrong. They responded with typical weak JW arguments, continued believing them and eventually discontinued our religious conversations which had been going on for months. In the end I convinced them of nothing except maybe a greater tolerance.
I feel now that a better approach might have been to put them on the offensive. Ask questions that forced them into "contradictory corners". If they had drawn their own conclusions, I could later show them that it did not agree with clear science, history or even the Society. A person can only take so many of these unresolved issues before they begin to question things more seriously. Unfortunately, admitting they are wrong to you is probably not something they want to do. Planting a seed doubt that gets the ball rolling in their minds should be your objective. Try to let them draw their own conclusions.
Just my opionions though.
-- LucidSky
Would you condone abortion?
by haujobbz intoday i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
The moral issues that I can see to having an abortion so far are:
1) Is the fetus conscious?
We seem to have decided that ending a conscious life is wrong (we'll exclude non-humans for the sake of convenience). A single cell would not seem to fit this criteria though, so then the big question is when does the fetus become conscious? Hell if I know, but a working mind would help.2) Will the fetus feel pain?
Scientific studies vary widely on this. A working formation of the nervous system is close to 24 weeks but I have seen as low as 6, depending on the researcher's bias (pro-life vs. pro-choice). Pain-killer should be used after that point if an abortion is necessary.3) Is this terminating potential life?Perhaps this should be worded "Is this terminating a life in progress?" since both men and women will terminate millions of potential lives in their own lifetime. In that case, I would answer "yes." On the other side how can we equate this type of life with a person? I dislike arguments that rely on the future: "It could become a person" since sperm or eggs can also become a person but we don't let it happen very often. The main difference here is choosing to prevent or choosing to stop.
Edited by - LucidSky on 13 August 2002 12:24:35
Would you condone abortion?
by haujobbz intoday i questioned my mother about the fact that she told me ?
yrs ago how she lost 2 kids through a miscarriage but then later told me she aborted them,well i didnt know what to say, but then later questioned her about this i asked her why she did it, she told me that she was already bringing up me and my sister and financialy impossible to look after two more kids,well i didnt agree with that reason or any reason to kill the unborn she then said she wasnt in the truth then "huh what difference does that make".
then she gave an illustration of reasons when you should condone abortion and it goes like this, if you were raped and later found out you were pregnant what would you do she seemed to say she would abort it,i said i wouldnt if that happened to my wife i said i would probably end up having it adopted,after all its better than murder.. how has this affected my familys view on abortion i wonder, well i have 5 sisters and 1 more brother,and already my brother in cold blood made his girlfriend abort hers due to the inconvienience,and also my older sister had hers aborted 2 yrs ago because the father didnt want to know with out a hint of regret,so im now starting to see a pattern in my family,whos to blame them or my mother as a role model.. so to cut a long story short do you think killing an unborn child is murder,would you do it under certain scenarios.
Now, seriously, the moment she has said abortion - is she immediately overwhelmed with guilt and an inability to forgive herself?
Or does it take religion and/or family pressure laying layer after layer of guilt on her telling her that women who abort have murdered a human life (despite any scientific evidence to back their claim - which religion has never really relied on, anyway)?
Abortions are often accompanied by hormonal changes, family/relationship problems and moral dilemmas to ponder which adds to emotional trauma. Many women report feeling relieved because it was not what they wanted at the time. I think it will depend on how your moral conscience viewed it in the first place and where you wanted your life to go.
Pro-Life or Pro-Choice--HELP
by Quincy inok...3 days ago, i found out that i was going to be a father!!
good new right?
well then she says that she is considering having an abortion...which i am totally against....so we discussed it...then she started to think that she might have the child....so she talked it over with her twin sister...and she told her to get the abortion...now she says she wants the abortion...now i am upset...not onlly does she want the abortion...but she wants me to pay for the entire thing...so not only am i going to be terminating a developing life...but i have to pay for it????
Interesting discussion all around. I think the arguments will eventually boil down to either sentiment or science. Both are valid, but from different viewpoints.
I agree that what sets us apart from animals is being self-aware or conscious
Without changing the topic too much, can someone explain this vague concept of "sentience" to me??? Ever since I had to re-evaluate my beliefs, I started wondering why humans happen to be classified as "special". Really, if it weren't for civilization, where would you be now? I also bring this up because people in general are generally only opposed to human murder. W e're just prejudiced specists, I guess.