Topics Started by lydia
Any one have problems with Kids??
by lydia inhas anyone ever done a study to find out if the children of witnesses have more behavor problems than other??
does anyone have any experience with children who are destructive?
Questions about the Dateline program...
by lydia inwhen is the program to air??
and what will it include??
i've aparently missed the info on it!.
A Very Merry Christmas wish...
by lydia inmerry christmas to all on here and i hope all have a very wonderful and "normal" new year!
ANy ideas on ridding of dubs?
by lydia inanyone have any good ideas on how to keep dubs from constantly returning??
they don't seem to leave the area alone with just requests and they are preying on those who live in a development that do not have the money to file a lawsuit.
more of a realization..about 9-11
by lydia inhas anyone else noticed - or has it escaped the general population that the date of the attack - 9-11 is also the number that we in the usa use when we are in need of assistance?
i just wonder if that date was chosen for that reason also??.
finding friends outside the Borg - a Scary thought
by lydia inhas anyone else found that the teaching of the "outside world" being a "bad association" limits your involvement and ability to make new freinds?.
if so how have you overcome this and any suggestions to helping those suffering from these feelings?.
how long were you out before...
by lydia inhello all.. i'm just trying to get a handle on everyone in how long have all of you been out of the borg?
also how long was it till you got on here??.
Does anyone know about....
by lydia inokay, i've seen lots of posts with references to this subject, but does anyone know of the percentage of child molsetations, or incest that occurs as an average in the dub org??.
i'm trying to get a handle as to how big of a problem?or how common a problem, this is for the children who have been raised in this enviroment.. anyone who can help me to understand - thanks in advance!!.
I need this clarified....
by lydia inokay.... i recognise the name ray franz as being someone in the dub org... .
but i wasn't great with names or remembering the past of the org very well.
too much emphasiswas placed on keeping up with the current info and my family really kept me busy, so if anyone could help me out about his bio...i'd apreciate it.. lydia
anyone else ever feel like this??
by lydia ini've been mulling over this and i'm finding that its common with several of my extended family who were raised in the org.
- seems that the feeling of never doing enough for the org.
( to obtain a place in the "new system" ) has spilled over into other areas of our lives.