I hope he takes a break or watches someone eles on saturday nite. I really need to go out and have a few beers and dance. Does God care if I do some dirty dancing , I hope not. Oh well, I guess if he cares he will let me know. I will wait for a sign , but in the meantime ,I'm gonna dance.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
I hope God doesnt watch me Saturday nite
by LyinEyes ini hope he takes a break or watches someone eles on saturday nite.
i really need to go out and have a few beers and dance.
does god care if i do some dirty dancing , i hope not.
GOD is watching us all
by QUEENIE inyep that is my belief so i gota mind my ps ad qs real good and behave myself 24/7 and ssooooo doooo you folks -- my opinion of course !!!!
I really hope you are right about God watching us. I am not proud of everything I do, but it would be good to know that someone up there cares.I lost most of my faith several months ago, and I am working on finding real faith and real truth. I hope God sees that I care that he is watching us.
Suggestions Please
by ConnieLynn inmy mother has been sick for a couple of months and undergoing a battery of tests, she is a jw.
we live 3000 miles apart.
well she just called and informed me that she had just received some bad news from her doctor this afternoon.
So sorry to hear about your mother. I would strongly suggest getting over there as soon as possible. I went thru this with my mother , we were both good witnesses and it was a hard ordeal. Without getting into all the details her blood count was down to 2, which is very, very serious. My mother made her choice not to take blood, I was only 17 at the time and I thought we were right about the blood issue. I dont beleive they (JW) are right about the blood now, but if I ever had to face it again, I am not sure what I would do. I would probably tell my mom what I beleive, but the choice is hers. But who knows , maybe she would listen if you tell her what is on your mind. She may be to weak to listen or comprehend at this time. But be there for her,
hold her hand and tell her you love her no matter what and you will support her choice. Really that is all you can do. I pray your mother will be ok. Let us know ok. Hugs. -
Those people with the cardboard signs.
by Princess inwhat do you do when you see people holding the cardboard signs?
sunday afternoon i was driving to a day spa in seattle for a pedicure.
i was sitting at a red light and there was an older man holding a cardboard sign.
I understand what you mean billygoat. I am leary of the beggers too, but on occassion I cant help myself but to give some money at times.
The other day , I just came from the doctor and was so , so happy.
I had been waiting on the results of a biopsy and it was so long in waiting. I found out everything was just fine and I could go on with my life . Then I stopped at a red light and saw a guy , he was dirty and sad looking, but the thing that got me was his dog. The dog was as dirty and thin as he was. Sitting so loyally by the poor man. I saw the man sharing a small hot dog with his dog. It broke my heart.
I motioned for him to come to the window and I gave him some money,
he looked at me with a look I have only seen in movies, gratitude,and even shame. Maybe I was being scammed , I will never know for sure, but like you said it for me is better to err on the side of mercy. Leaving the JW has taught me that. And really what would Jesus do?Hygh , I had to laugh at you for showing the guy your wallet and pockets, I can just imagine you doing that ! Maybe he got the point huh?
Do you still get Nightmares?
by sleepy indo you still get nightmares?.
because last night i had the crap scared out of me.. i cant remember what i had been dreaming about, but something shocked me and i opened my eyes and i saw a figure standing beside my bed.. my body when straight into fight mode.. now this is the weirest part for me.i shouted at the top of my voice , very loudly "what the f**k" yet it wasn't me speaking , my body sort of took over and said it .my eyes sort of adjusted and the figure disappeared and a i think at that point i became wide awake.. my wife was woken up by my shouting.. my heart was racing and my hair standing on end.. i have had a similiar experience once before but i didn't shout.. the fact that i woke up shouting, really freaked me out.. what the crap was going on in my head?
Thanks Hygh for the info on lucid dreaming, I am a very lucid dreamer.
I can even use my dreams to work thru emotional issues. I can make myself dream about what I want to. Sounds weird ,but true, I have since a very young child been able to do this. Sometimes if I want to dream I am visiting a dead loved one ,all I have to do is meditate on doing so, and it usually happens. The scarey thing that has happened to me , is I have accutually dreamed of something happening and it comes true.The events take place just like I dreamt them. This is not common but has happened. I think our minds are so much more powerful than we , the average Joe, can even imagine, and I am not talking witchcraft here. The brain is still the one organ , not fully understood. At least I havent figured mine out yet. -
My Dad called
by Elsewhere inthe other day i sent my family a framed studio photograph that i had made for them.. i called to make sure they got it and my mom said that she did and that it was placed with the other family photos in the living room.. a few days later my dad called to thank me.
he then went off into a tangent about how he wants me to come back to the "truth".
i told him that i respect his right to believe as he will, but i expect the same in return.
Sorry you are so distraut Eleswhere. I put a post out, about my father. He hasnt even tried to save my soul,since july ,and that hurts. Am I not worth one more try. I know he wouldnt be able to make
me go back, but he just gave up to easily, just one visit and he wrote me off as dead. Like I said, I havent d/a myself or been d/f.
I'm just not the perfect daughter anymore. Oh well, I guess we have to find some kind of peace and go on with our lives. I wish you happiness Eleswhere. -
I'm not D/f or D/a and my dad wont even talk to me
by LyinEyes inthe last time i heard from my father, was last july , a few days before a special assembly day.
he heard that we were not going to meeting anymore, which was stange since hubby was an elder last time he thought to check on me.
i have always been the good daughter, the one who stayed in "the truth" , the one he was so proud of.
The last time I heard from my father, was last July , a few days before a special assembly day. He heard that we were not going to meeting anymore, which was stange since hubby was an elder last time he thought to check on me. I have always been the good daughter, the one who stayed in "the truth" , the one he was so proud of. He would send me a card once or twice a year and we would do lunch. This went on for 15 yrs and since he remarried back when I was 18 ,he has had another family . He has always left me high and dry , when I needed him the most. Such love! And to think he couldnt pull himself away from never ending theocratic ladder climbing to check on his daughter that beg, literally for his help and love. Well, it is over now, too many years gone by, he doesnt know my kids at all. His own grandchildren, and we are in the same damn circuit . How twisted is that. I hate the borg and what it stands for , and those who give all they have to it, and not their own families. I used to look forward to circuit assemblies , that way I could see my daddy. I really tried to have him in my life, but he turned me away. He really will have a reason soon, to write me off as he did my d/a sister. Well, I dont think it will bother me anymore now than it has for the last 15 yrs.
But I can say now I am beginning to not care anymore about him. I know it will always hurt but I know alot if not all, of you know what I mean. -
Do you still get Nightmares?
by sleepy indo you still get nightmares?.
because last night i had the crap scared out of me.. i cant remember what i had been dreaming about, but something shocked me and i opened my eyes and i saw a figure standing beside my bed.. my body when straight into fight mode.. now this is the weirest part for me.i shouted at the top of my voice , very loudly "what the f**k" yet it wasn't me speaking , my body sort of took over and said it .my eyes sort of adjusted and the figure disappeared and a i think at that point i became wide awake.. my wife was woken up by my shouting.. my heart was racing and my hair standing on end.. i have had a similiar experience once before but i didn't shout.. the fact that i woke up shouting, really freaked me out.. what the crap was going on in my head?
When I first left the borg about 9 months ago, I had nightly nightmares, more likely night terrors. They were so real, I wont even get into the images I saw and the horrors. My doctor told me I was having post traumatic disorder, and that I must have suffered some kind of abuse as a child. I agreee with tex on this one, what kind of mindcontrol did they really have on us? It scares me to think of this, like the movie Jacob's Ladder. What is real , what is just in your head? But here lately, the night terrors have started to fade away . I have kept trying to pray and maybe this helps. But also I think what is helping me now, is letting myself not take things so seriously right now in my life. I am giving myself a little time to heal. I like to go out and dance and just have fun. The constant worrying about if I was an evil apostate or not was just getting to be to much. I feel alot better now, I think we all have to go thru a recovery phase as we leave the borg , your mind is just trying to sort thru what is nessesary to keep , save and what to throw out the window.
Apostate warnings-WT 15 May, 2002.
by Nemesis ini just noticed some more anti apostate lessons in the latest watchtower.
here is a scan of the offending article, may 15, 2002, p. 27 .
looks like we are all now poisonous roots, and a fellow believer must not divulge confidential matters that might endanger them.
"a few disgruntled and dissatified.............."
wow have they checked the "apostate" numbers, who are they trying to fool with saying a few. The numbers are growing of those who see the wt for what it really is, yet they want to minimize that number , as
a fear tactic. How desperate is that. Why dont they come out and admit
that people are leaving the borg left and right? Because it would make faithful ones wonder why the numbers are so high, what is it that is so strong it is taking so many away. But the WT says a few,
maybe that way they can avoid mass hysteria. Another example of a lie, there are a heck of a lot more of these " poisionous roots" than a few. But "legally" that isnt a lie. But to me it shows they are so afraid of losing more, that they would sacrifice the real truth to keep ones in . Deceptive! -
How much more can they endure?
by thinker ini found some poetry online from active jw's.
it's shocking how much depression, pain, and sadness is in their words.
below are a few excerpts:.
Very depressing and pitiful. Sounds alot like the poetry I used to write as a JW child. My elder daddy found my secret book of poems and burned them in front of me. I then could only retreat to think to myself , never again have I been able to put how I feel to words .
They just dont see what they do to the broken hearted. Instead of helping them up, the borg and jw parents just knock you down, all in the name of God.