LOL @ Butalbee,, that pisses me off too. I agree ,, this list made me sick too. Good Lord,,, I actually tired to do all of those things!! No wonder I was a basket case. I am a much happier basket case now, all of that was just exhausting. Now I can think of a more constructive way to use that list!!!!!!!!I think I will replace the toilet paper roll with that list. That way when the elders come by for their little chat,,,, they can put it to good use.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
Your personal Goals
by outcast ini found this on . .
since it is monday, anyone care to add their goals to the list?
My first Mothers Day
by TweetieBird ini've been a mom for 21 years now and am going to celebrate my first mother's day.
my oldest son is taking me out for lunch on sunday.. happy mother's day to all moms on this board.
This will be my first mother's day tool. My 3 kids are asking me what I want, a ring, flowers, etc. Of course like all mom's say, I told them I just wanted a hug and maybe a drawing I could put on the fridge. Their little eyes just have so much love in them , they
seem so excited to be able to finally celebrate some of the holidays we were never allowed to do. My youngest son is 7 yrs old and still trying to figure out if we celebrate this or that, he doesnt understand all of the holidays. He asked me if there is a daddy's day? How precious!!!Happy Mothers Day to all the ladies!!!!
Don't forget ,, no cooking on Mother's Day,,, let 'em take you out to eat!!!
What does everyone here DO anyway?
by In_between_days inhi everyone,.
i am a new poster who is putting off their own personal story of finding this site for a while..... i find alot of people here utterly fascinating, and would like to know..... exactly what is everyones professional field of work?.
i would like to be a full time poster on this forum, but alas, the $$$$ are quite light in that field of work.. apologies if this has been asked before.. just curious.
I am a housewife , with three kids. I hope to go to nursing school , when the youngest gets a bit older. For now, I am in a lovely selfish phase..... I try to do as little as possible . I also
am having alot of fun, trying to catch up on my lost years. Some day soon , I will have to get serious about my future. But for now, this seems to be working for me. Being a JW all of my life has caused major burnout. It is great to take some time off. -
Cain and Abel - The TRUE Story
by Dutchie inits interesting that in the book of genesis we are introduced to cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land.
when he made offerings to jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.
we are also introduced to his brother abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep.
Very interesting. I decided to start reading the bible again,,this time without any wtbs help. So far I have made it to Gen. chapter 6.
I am already pissed off!!!! I too asked many questions about the Cain and Able story. Why in the world , did God let Abel die at the hands of his brother,,,, He could have stopped it,, why couldnt God just have at least warned Able. Did he hate Adam and Eve so much that he allowed their son to die? Werent they paying for the price of their sin? Then I got to the story of Noah. Why did God have to overkill. I mean even all the innocent animals had to die. The innocent children, that is and always was a big question in my mind. I dont understand why God had to destroy the children, HE could have saved them. Reading the bible now, only makes me beleive less and less that it tells the true intentions of God. -
If you got caught by the elders...............
by LyinEyes inif you got caught by the elders, say smoking, and they d/f you would you tell them about being "apostate"?
i mean honestly, if they want to "take me down", i would rather go out,with them knowing i think it is all bull.
did any of you that are d/f for some petty wtbs interpretation of sin, decide to tell them about what you beleive since learning the real truth about the wtbs?
If you got caught by the elders, say smoking, and they d/f you would you tell them about being "apostate"? I mean honestly, if they want to "take me down", I would rather go out,with them knowing I think it is all bull. Did any of you that are d/f for some petty wtbs interpretation of sin, decide to tell them about what you beleive since learning the real truth about the wtbs?
So I guess it's finally my turn <grin>
by noidea inwell i had a visit today from an elder (related through marriage) about my non-meeting attendance.
he let me know that the circuit overseer is due in for a visit in 2 weeks and the elders in my congregation felt that it would be good for them to pay me a visit.
i have already declined other such offers.. he asked me why i was not attending the meetings (didn't reply to that) and that if i had a problem that i could talk about it.
Noidea, my hub and I have been going thru the same thing. The elders
just show up and want to talk. I think Tom has a good idea, and my husband also thinks this is the best way to handle them. I even tried it on some sisters that came by while out in service. I told them it was not a good time, as I was busy on the computer.I was chatting of course but I really was busy doing more important things than entertaining them. It makes me mad that they think they have the right to just show up at your house, regardless of weither you want them there or not... it is like they are forcing themselves on you. That idea just makes me sick. My hub told them not to long ago that he was a grown man and wouldnt not be answering to them anymore . And remember ,we do not have to tell them anything at all.
They want to demand an answer as to why we arent going anymore ,,, but we dont owe them anything. Good luck. -
What kind of music do you listen to?
by Leander ini'm a music junkie, i like pretty much all types of music.
but in particular i would have to say jazz is my favorite, but not the watered down kenny g style of jazz.
i prefer the straight ahead, hard bop type of jazz.. lately i've been really getting into psychedelia rock.
UMMMM Did anyone guess that I like the Eagles???? I love southern rock, hard rock, country, pop hits, you name it I love it. I enjoy music on a theraputic level. When I hop in the truck the radio, goes on full blast, the windows rolled down, and I try very hard to drive 55. I even like Barry Manilow!!! I can always find a song to sing to( only my kids have to listen to me) , a song that will say how I am feeling for that day. Enjoyed all the post on this subject, it is interesting what others listen too, it give you an idea of what they are like. DD
What Am I thinking?????
by butalbee inwith all the recent hog wash going on in my life, i can't believe i am even entertaining this notion.
everybody on this board knows how i feel about this path, these beliefs, and here i am thinking, pondering wondering, maybe jehovahs witnesses do have something to offer me, maybe i need their 'close nit' love inside their congregations?
maybe i could see the truth, if i only opened my eyes to it and tried to accept it???
Hey Bee, God there must be something in the air .... I too have a brief moment of the same questioning last nite. I know the facts , I know it ..... but something inside me , every once in awhile will creep into my heart and make me wonder what if they might be right?
Notice I think it is 100% emotional ,, not really thinking with my head but my heart. Which is very dangerous !!!! I wonder if most men who have left feel this way ever. Seems the men dont have as much trouble with questioning their choice of leaving. But there are some excellent post here and they have helped me too. I like the comparision , Yerasylim(SP), made about going back for " just one more drink". I never thought how destructive that kind of behavoir could be. I have heard it compared to an abused wife, going back to the man who beat her , over and over again. I think it is part of the brainwashing the WT has done to us, hopefully in time , if we stay strong, stay away from the fire, we will work the brainwashing right out of our heads. Good luck , Bee, just wanted you to know , I too feel the same way sometimes. -
a thread of support for OZZIEPOST and MRS OZZIE
by Prisca indear fellow posters,.
ozziepost and his beautiful wife mrs ozzie are going through a very tough time right now, at the hands of the wts and its henchmen.
in the space of a few weeks, they have lost their children and other family members due to the unchristian attitudes and pharisaic dogmas, despite having tried to quietly fade away from the wts.
Sorry dear folks about the troubles you are going thru. Please know
that there are so many out there that care about you, even when the WTBS wants to throw you to the wolves. I have to think that in the big picture of things, good will prevail over evil. My prayers are with you, that you never lose hope. -
Today's Spiritual Junk Food At The Proper Time
by Valis init looks like there are some new artists at bethel these days.... .
sincerely, .
district overbeer
HAHAAHHAHAHHA !!! Loved it , loved it!!!!
But the 60's guy in the back ground scares me.
Must be some hidden scare tactics in his eyes. LOL
He really does give me the creeps. I love PINK!!!
I had a pipe like that a few weeks ago, had to ditch it thou.
Keep up the fine art work. It made me laugh out loud. I wish Wild
Turkey was here to see it. I will remind him to check it out when he
gets home. I might be going to texas , in the next couple of weeks,
we will keep ya posted. DD