I think I have been spending too much time reading and posting on the board. When I finally went to sleep last time, I dreamed I was in a very happy state, I was singing God a song , and waiting for him to reply to it!!!!! Very silly , huh , the song was, On Top of the World,
not sure of the lyrics. But I know a line in it says, i'm on top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find , is the love that ..............sumpin sumpin. While I am singing this song to God I am holding my youngest son in my arms and dancing with him. For the first time in my life I dreamed I approached God with a clean slate, no worries of past sins, or worries he didnt find me acceptable. I was just waiting to hear back from him and it was a very peaceful feeling. Just thought I would tell ya'll about this dream, since many of us have strange dreams after leaving the borg. Also while I was dreaming this ,I knew I was dreaming it. GO figure.
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
I dreamed I posted to God.....................
by LyinEyes ini think i have been spending too much time reading and posting on the board.
when i finally went to sleep last time, i dreamed i was in a very happy state, i was singing god a song , and waiting for him to reply to it!!!!!
very silly , huh , the song was, on top of the world,.
Questions to ask the Dub at your door
by ozziepost inwhen you next have a visit from a dub, what will you say?.
perhaps you should have some quickfire questions ready to ask them.
1. how come jesus kicked satan out of heaven in october 1914, at the end of the gentile times, when satan had started ww1 to distract attention from the kingdom's establishment around july 1914 ?.
Good ones Ozzie, but my question will probably be this: How many hours do you plan on staying here visiting me,counting all that time?
I failed to do this last time and had to endure FOREVER, wondering when they would leave.
Next time I will just , ask and then I will be prepared. Almost like prepping oneself to remove a band-aid, either way you go , it's gonna be hell. On second thought, maybe I just wont answer the door!!!! -
For those who stay, or return.
by dmouse init is very difficult for normal, well-adjusted people to understand why some take hard drugs.
it is painful to watch healthy men and women eaten away by the chemicals that infest them.
eventually, they become empty shells of their former selves, dying both metaphorically and literally.. it is even harder to understand why some who have managed to become clean of drugs, who have seen the degradation that it causes and know that it is a blind alley, who then return to that seedy underworld and begin once again to pollute themselves.. there must be a reason.
I enjoyed your post, it does make alot of sense as to why some return, or just stay put. I have seen , by close association, what real drugs and what a cult can do to a person. Like you said it eats away who they really are and they cease to be. They become a shell. How sad is that?!!? Very , very sad, I lived thru this with my mother and I didnt see it until I left the borg myself. Years of denial on my part, I couldnt blame the religion. After all , I was trying so hard to be a good jw. I was so wrong about that . My mother's suicide is now a burning issue for me, almost like it happened yesterday, because I see things on an entirely different level now that I have left the borg. The only thing I can say , is brainwashing at it's finest. I never really blamed the JW for any part in her death, but I can now, the blinders are off of my eyes.
It is evil , what the JW's do to people ,somewhere down the road , I pray they answer for all the lives they have taken, both literally and spiritually. -
Another Sad Story
by kheli inmy former best friend was murdered this morning in oregon.
apparently, she has been dating a "worldly" man for about a year now.
she went to visit him in oregon.
Sorry about your friend, that was sad to hear. Same thing happened to one of my best friends growing up in JW. She got pregnant and married the worldly man , got a divorce , she had custody of the baby. She went to get the money for child support and the man shot her, he said it was self defense . He was 6'1 , police officer and she was 5'2 tiny, but she took his gun and shot herself. Very unlikely story and an investigation was started, nothing came out of it, but the JW's showed no sympathy for her or her family. If only she would have done right , she would not be dead. Bullcrap.
Mourn your friend in anyway you need too. Dont put it off, I agree flowers or a card would be nice, even if you think the family wont care, they just might. Anyway , it is for her memory more than anything, but just letting them know you care will say alot . -
Has anyone done the math on how many ex jw's ?
by LyinEyes inbefore i came into this chat room , lol , i was a full fledge jw for lifer.
i met a few nice folks in the "real" jw chat room and met a few in person( horrors).
but let me tell you the intellectual conversations left alot to be desired.
Before I came into this chat room , LOL , I was a full fledge JW for lifer. I met a few nice folks in the "real" jw chat room and met a few in person( horrors). But let me tell you the intellectual conversations left alot to be desired. I just didnt know it!!!! I have since realize that those who are out of the borg , are the most interesting, open minded, and funny as hell people I have ever know.
I laugh so hard at some of ya'lls post , I almost blow coca cola out of my nose. While in the jw (non apostate lol) chat , anytime a d/f
or d/a apostate would come in they would be attacked, but I would chat with them . I guess I was always drawn to people that had more brain matter. I wanted to understand them, now I do. There is just no comparison of the two, weither it is in a chat room or in the real world, ------ ex jw's are far superior. I feel so much more alive since coming into this room , I feel I belong, something I never did as a JW. For me it has made my exit from JW alot easier, knowing I am not alone and how others have made it thru. It sickens me , how the WTBS down plays the great numbers of so called apostates. They try to convince current JW's that the number is just a few, unruly ones. I think they are way off on their estimate of a "few". Does anyone has any idea how many apostates there are, even if they are closet apostates or d/a or d/f? -
What is your Totem Animal?
by Hyghlandyr ina lot of you might think this is a question strictly for the pagans out there, but christians have had totem animals as well.
merriam-websters defines a totem as:main entry: totem .
pronunciation: 'to-t&m.
I am half Irish, tad of german, on mothers side. My father is american indian with a tad of french. I always have been drawn to the indian side of my heritage, I fit there. The family on that side was very very, spiritual. Not in the JW sense ,but in nature and in sensing things in the world around them. Add being catholic to that and you have very lively sometimes uunbeivable occurances. I being raised as the only JW out of 35 grands felt in awe at the stories they told. My family are known for being a little off, mentally , LOL
And many of them lacked education. But they were very in touch with who they were and never doubted some kind of good force that directed their lives. There were many many stories they would tell of first hand encounters with animals , that lead them out of danger. One was about my grandpa, lost in the woods and he heard a voice and looked up. He saw and deer and followed it and came out safely. As i type this i still get goose bumps!!! These people were not liars, or out to prove anything , so i didnt understand what they were trying to get me to see. Another example , a story of a horse turning into a little dog, and a white horse that was showing up here and there, a wild horse. These stories scared me as a JW child, my dad said it was demons playing tricks on them. But even he knew that his family had seen something as they did not play or joke about things of this nature. He just said it was evil spirits. I still wonder if they saw these things or if they just think they did. I would have to see it to beleive it. But they beleived . My point was that my native american heritage is very much into nature, maybe that is why ,they always had animals active in their stories. As for snakes, my people
have the mind set to leave the snake alone and it will leave you alone. No real fear there, just be watchful and dont spook it, if you get bit it is more your fault than the snakes. I am not afraid of them because of this, my people taught me how to walk in the woods without getting on a snake, and to be cautious. I think Hygh has a good point on seeing what your heritage's view on the snakes are. Afterall, that is how we come to form our view of everything, from our people. Sometimes we do this with out realizing it. Let me know what ya find out. -
You have to preach in order to keep the elders off your back . And to make it even worse you absolutly must have more than 10 hrs. Oh and you better have at least one bible study or there will be talks from the platform over and over and over again. I found that preaching also was a requirment to being an elders wife!!!! LOL I had to set an example, never mind the 3 screaming kids , running all over the territory. Preach the word, lalallalalll a forgot what the rest of the kingdom melody says but who cares hehhehhe. I just was too irritated to think about the reason I was out preaching, I do love people , but that is not why I did it. I did it because i had to.
Running into JWS
by WildTurkey ini ran into a jw couple last night at wal-mart, when i saw them i thought damn, i wish i would have seen them before they saw me.
but anyway we talked for a few minutes, and i was trying real hard to think of a reason to get out of there.
as i talked to him, i could tell he was dying to ask me, why i stopped going to the kingdom hall.
Hey I am wild turkeys wife. I have decided that if anything in life is going to happen it will be at the super wal-mart. I run into all the JW's there. One from our congregation , on the nite of the memorial asked if I was gonna be able to make it. I just looked at her and said nope. End of conversation. She was the one squirmming.
I have finally decided that I am not the one who is judging , it is them. My door (our door) will always be open to anyone that is reasonable and respectful to us. Which probably wont be many, but I always tell them to come by and see us sometime. Southern hospitality I guess. But there was a part of me , when I saw this JW couple, my heart hurt just a little. I grew up with both of them, and our families were always intertwinded. It saddens me to think that one day they will not speak to me, oh I will live , but I never wanted to be one to be shunned. I used to shun ex jw's, d/f or d/a and I hated doing it, but I sincerly thought that I had to do it or Jehovah would punish me and my family. It always bothered my conscience to be that way. I know that there are some of the JW that will enjoy being assholes to us , but then again I think there will be some that are doing what they are brainwashed to do. That is the sad part about it to me. -
What is your Totem Animal?
by Hyghlandyr ina lot of you might think this is a question strictly for the pagans out there, but christians have had totem animals as well.
merriam-websters defines a totem as:main entry: totem .
pronunciation: 'to-t&m.
This is in respone to Beck's snake dream. I have done just a little research on dreams and all the books say that snakes represent sexuality. I dont know, usually sex represents sex in mine, but thought that was interesting. Or could it be the original sin idea, you know the snake tempted Eve and that is where modern dream analysist come up with the snake representation. Or could it be that the snake is the evil wtbs? Remember all the pics of the evil snake, Satan, maybe you are transfering your rage agaisnt WTBS and it is represented by squeeze the life out of ya, snake. Just wondering, I have no idea, I think you have to figure out what your dreams mean by your own experiences. I write mine down and then read them later. It helps to do it first thing , when you wake up. Even very subtle things can be major in dreams. Email some of yours to me if you like, i love the world of dreams, unless they are terrors lol.
Do you blame your parents?
by sleepy indo you blame your parents for bringing you up as witnesses?.
do you tink they sould have known better, or do you feel sorry for them?.
i used to think how lucky i was to be born into a family that had the truth.. now i wonder, how could my parents have fallen fot it?.
First very good points ,Amazing, about the lack of quality informations on the JW until lately. As I am not a greek or hebrew scholar( neither is the WTBS as they claim) , it was easy to beleive that they knew what they were talking about. Who was I , to second guess these scholars. Well, thank God for the internet.Thank God , for the avalibilty of all the infor we need to make our own educated choices. We now have easy access to test things out ourselves and heaven forbid (LOL) let a bunch of ol farts lie and tell us they are something that they are not. The proof is in the puddin, so to speak.
Oh the main question, .... no I dont blame my parents for being JW.
I feel sorry for my mother, she was very young and never had the access to find out about the JW. Any time dad got apostate things in the mail, he made a big issue of burning it in the yard. Literally burning the demons out he would say. I wonder if he heard a hissing voice as he did so!!!! That fool is still trying to climb the theocratic ladder , at the cost of all eles. I blame him for being a hypocrite. If he was a good , sincere loving brother ,as he claims to be, I would feel like , well that is his beleifs and he is just doing what he thinks is right. But he is famous for making up his own rules and will have the audacity to tell you that he has a special calling from God, therefore he can be used by God , to help others , when other brothers can not. He is seriously self righteous and I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from illusions of grandeur.
Last time I talked to him he compared himself to Lot, to Abraham, to king David and then I am sure he would have went on to Jesus Christ himself, if the convo would have went on. I blame him for being an idiot. My mom is dead , so only feel sorry she didnt have a chance to make the choice that I did , she would have loved it. She never fit in and was such a flower child, her motto was live and let live.
She was reasonable , but my dad was and is an idiot.