Damn, how I hate only children...always looking for attention...
" Hey, look at me...I'm surfing on sandals!!!!!!!"
anyone heard this new song off brucie's new album devils and dust?
its a pretty good song.
nice lyrics..... pope.
Damn, how I hate only children...always looking for attention...
" Hey, look at me...I'm surfing on sandals!!!!!!!"
the first congregation i went to basically was warm and friendly even though i didn't develop very many close friends there but some of the others i went to were rather scandulous in more ways than one.
one that i went to im surprised anybody is still there that has a conscious with all that went on.
was yours like that?
According to the Harper Valley PTA.......
yes, it was.
i remember many witness businesses that would pop up.
usually they would say "i'll just offer it to the friends to get started, then when it takes off i can pioneer".
it was usually one after the other for the same people.
Some suggested reading for the misinformed...
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad'
" The Cashflow Quadrant"
He once came close with Mary Magdalene......
Nuff said........
are you feeling more secure since setember 11th ?
I'll still take the old Universal Pictures classics over the Wes Craven soup of the day drivel anytime!
a girl called me in the middle of the night and was asking me questions like my size and what kind of girl would i like to date, and what am i looking for and i said personality.
she then told me that her friend who is my workmate is drunk and horny.
and then she remembered who i was and she said has the hots for me too.
i cant wait for college haha. except for one thing my height is 5 "2
And why should that be a buffer to your enjoyment in the participation of life? And why do you view that as a disability? mac, 5'-3" (and still only realizes he's short when it's pointed out to him and still remains skeptical) *of course I'm beautiful ...and if yer short and ugly...... well, yer screwed ..............*
well, are there any people on this db who are into gardening?.
i really love it, myself.
i am putting in quite a few vegetables this year.
a girl called me in the middle of the night and was asking me questions like my size and what kind of girl would i like to date, and what am i looking for and i said personality.
she then told me that her friend who is my workmate is drunk and horny.
and then she remembered who i was and she said has the hots for me too.
She told me she'd call someone else if I hung up........
i would have gotten baptised at the first "special assembly day" but i got sick just a few days before.
so i got baptised at the d.c.that same year instead.
i regret it, but at the time i thought i was doing the right thing, i sincerely believed i was dedicating my life to serving god.
about as much as I regret a shower...
this was influenced by the toy thread, but what were some of the foods, drinks and candy that were banned by the jws (either in writing or hearsay)?.
black forrest ham (coating is made from blood).
red skittles (blood used to make the dye).
anything cured...
for they prey on debility...