Wait on Jehovah! That phrase is keeping so many dissatisfied ones in! Basically it presumes that the JW religion is expressly God's own organisation, and that any problems that you will encounter will be solved providing you are patient.
"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld". Those words give people hope, because they presume that everything will be sorted out eventually! If you are impatient, you "Lack faith".
That corrupt elder stays an elder - but he will be sorted out one day. That person was wrongly disfellowshipped - but the truth will come out one day, and they will have to apologise to him/her. That sister was beaten up by her husband - that allegedly "lovely" brother who has all those "privileges", but there were no witnesses, and she wasn't believed - he'll get his comeuppance one day. That child was sexually abused, but it was covered up - the people who turned a blind eye will be reprimanded one day... One day. You see, Jehovah is watching - it's his organisation!
Jehovah - if you are watching and it truly is your organisation. Sort it out NOW. Get rid of these corrupt people. Get innocent people pardoned. Get incompetent elders sacked.
Posts by Matty
Wait on Jehovah!
by jerome ini have just been thinking about the "wait on jehovah doctrine" for a while because of the silentlambs fiasco and a thread started by you know.. i think that the jws have a certain amount of lead way when it comes to this teaching, i.e this wait on jehovah doctrine is not all bad because the bible teaches that you to trust in god and to have faith, which is totally understandable.. the bible further teaches that 'faith can move a mountain' but i dont think that this verse should be necessarily taken too literally because i dont know of anyone who has moved a mountain simply by faith alone.
but thats just me mabe some of you have move literal mountains simply by faith.. i think that scripture mostlikely refers to the problems in life that you have little controll of like can put food on the table, dont have a place to sleep and you just cant see a way out of your troubles so you put them in the hands of god and have faith that the lord will bring you through to see a brighter day.
[thanx mulan].
I feel so guilty
by Leander inthese past few weeks i've spent a lot of time trying to decide how i want to proceed with the rest of my life.
one of my first decisions to carry out is to break free from the wts.
even though i've been a life long witness i feel no guilt or hesistation in leaving the only religion i've ever known.
Gosh - Leander you should apologize? I should apologize! I don't want anything putting you off posting your feelings here. It's my only outlet at the moment - and I guess you don't have a heap of sympathetic people to talk to either - so please throw as many ideas as you want here and if I respond with a load of crap feel free to ignore me!
I feel so guilty
by Leander inthese past few weeks i've spent a lot of time trying to decide how i want to proceed with the rest of my life.
one of my first decisions to carry out is to break free from the wts.
even though i've been a life long witness i feel no guilt or hesistation in leaving the only religion i've ever known.
Although I have different circumstances to you, I am always interested in your posts as you seem to be at a similar crossroads in your life as me. While I have just the one thing, there are two things making you unhappy at the moment, the JW religion and your marriage. You seem very unhappy about all the missed opportunities and your lost years, you want to do all the things that you haven't been allowed to do, well I guess that's natural.
But most of the posts here have it right. Ending your marriage at the same time as leaving "the truth" are two big things that you will find it difficult to cope with together. Go for leaving "the truth" first! However, I don't think any of us here know you well enough to suggest that it would be a good idea to leave your wife - that is far too heavy for a forum like this! I think you need to talk to a counsellor or some kind of therapist about it! -
If you were wrong about the truth, what else?
by ballistic inwhat effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
Although it's true that I have become a very cynical person too, my real fear is that I will always be very susceptible to be manipulated by those I love and have an inordinate sense of duty and loyalty - this would counteract any natural caution I might have. I hate the idea of spending my entire life never letting anyone know the true me. I am like this with my family now, and so I see myself being vulnerable to this in future relationships.
I feel I have to agree with things I don't agree with, and accept others bad behaviour unquestioningly. I have never learnt to put my personal view forward effectively, or express how I really feel about anything important.
My self-reliance and self-confidence is poor, and I feel that I need constant reassurance that what I do is the right thing to do. It's no wonder a lot of people here are confused over what is truly right and what is truly wrong, it's not something we ever needed to decide for ourselves.
Cain and Abel - The TRUE Story
by Dutchie inits interesting that in the book of genesis we are introduced to cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land.
when he made offerings to jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.
we are also introduced to his brother abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep.
You've brought up so many arguments that I have never even thought of. RunningMan you are Priceless, just Priceless.
I was always led to believe that Adam and Eve had numerous unmentioned siblings, and that Cain married one of them. As well as the one you've mentioned what about "Hey baby, I just killed your brother, how about doing the nasty with me?". Hmm... Not one of the best chat-up lines I could think of!
I buy sad techy books too - as I type this I am also reading "Cascading Style Sheets - The Definitive Guide". Talk about "road to damascus", I will never use the <font> tag again - bless you Simon!
Cain and Abel - The TRUE Story
by Dutchie inits interesting that in the book of genesis we are introduced to cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land.
when he made offerings to jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.
we are also introduced to his brother abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep.
RunningMan - LMAO!!!!
I guess it was just for the wool, but you have clearly highlighted some fringe benefits!
Gosh! Is that so? Thanks Simon. In the future I will have a look at amazon.co.uk and amazon.com and weigh it up between the two!
That's amazon.com for the US of course.
If you live in the UK, then simply click on the advert and when the page opens, substitute ".com" with ".co.uk" in the address field at the top and press "go". If the book is available in Britain you will then see it available and with the price in sterling. -
If you were wrong about the truth, what else?
by ballistic inwhat effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
Spot on TheRedPill, welcome aboard!
I can't begin to think of all the numerous erroneous decisions I have made – there’s just too many – I’ll have to have a good think and come back tomorrow!