JoinedTopics Started by RottenRiley
Did Marvin Shillmer Quit His Blood Message Board Or Is It Locked Down?
by RottenRiley in.
i notice marvin's website is locked down, did jw theocrate hackers destroy his website?
greg's blood website is a great website i hate to lose, what can we do?.
Professional Pedophile Cover-Up Agent Will Make Governing Body! 2014
by RottenRiley inhi, recently the brother who helped cover over the sexual abuse in our kingdom hall started to parktake, when i asked why the local scandal dated back so far, all fingers pointed to this one circuit overseer (now almost on the governing body) as the man who told all the elders "hush!
hush hush!
" he recommend the police not get involved because it would put the sour grape kool-aid flavor in the publics eye.
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
What If Senator Markey Called For A Probe "The Watchtower Is A Ponzi Scheme" Ponzi Scheme Itis happening now.
by RottenRiley inrecently with companies dealing with mlm and high group selling pressure are coming under fire from very powerful individuals.
two weeks ago nuskin corp was hammered by the chinese government after complaints their people were getting stuck holding tons of trashy products.. .
what if the chinese government put the watchtower under the same "means test" and "public safety" test they do for nuskin, herbalife, amway, ect...,0,2452650.story#axzz2risvgoa6.
"New Light" for Care-giving and Concern For Family, Parents and Friends.
by RottenRiley inam i the only one who has noticed the new push by jw autority figures that we should not pull missionaries out of the field to help with care-giving for parents or children who are not functioning well?.
we are told "the government has programs that provide excellent care-giving and might be a better choice than pulling a pioneer or missionary from the field".
can somebody else verify if you are hearing this nonsense, anti-christian message broadcasted by the watchtower organization?
Could Jehovah's Witnesses Have Conquered the Roman Empire with the WTS Message?
by RottenRiley inchristians were known to show love to everyone, they beat down the pagan empire though a life devoted to loving kindness.
where do jehovah's witnesses stand on feeding the poor, helping slaves get out of slavery and donating funds to help orphanges and hospitals?
christians from various churches donate to help africa combat aids, get clean water, heating stoves to help cook their food.
Why Do Some Ex-JWs Get Their Feelings Hurt So Badly By Shunning?
by RottenRiley ini ran in to a ex-jw and had a good laugh once he realized i was not going to shun him.
i am a different soul when we are dealing with watchtower demonology, everything about the organization is fan boy based.
watchtower creates the illusion of a community that never existed, we were too blind to realize most of the people we invested time with was nothing more than a farce, once you can't offer up more sacrfices on the watchtower's alter, your going to get less attention and eventually if your kingdom hall is big enough, they won't come looking for you.. .
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Scottish?
by RottenRiley inmy experience with jws, often they were very frugal and cheap, willing to use my car in field circus every weekend.
why are jehovah's witnesses so dense and obtuse when it comes to sharing costs and contributing?
has the topic of district convention 'tight-ass cheap-skating' jehovah's witnesses been talked about?
Governing Body Running Scarred and 12-13-14 "Might Be the End"?
by RottenRiley inthis went bad, i hit click before i could post my thoughts about the fear factor going through our crazy kingdom hall.
the title of this thread was aimed at asking why the governing body is becoming so afraid and demanding the elders and rank and file to put their trust in the dukes of the kingdom hall.
(pslams 146:3).. .
When A Fellow Apostate Goes Insane, What Can We Do To Help?
by RottenRiley ini don't know how to handle the situation with a fellow apostate who has lost their mind due to this evil cult.
this guy is texting many of the elders under alias of six different cell-phones no less than twenty times a day.. .
we had to change the locks at the kingdom hall because he was still stalking and prowling around the hall after advertsing he had left the kingdom hall and we were all no less than mind-dead zombies sucking out of the life of thinking individuals.