I think its ok to cry sometimes, but then again I think some men and even more women cry too much. Just my opinion.
I've never cried at a funeral, but the closest person who's ever died was my aunt by marriage. I was younger than 10 at the time.
I saw my mother in the hospital in a lot of pain. I left the hospital to go home. When I got to my car, I just sat there in the parking lot and cried a few minutes. It turned out to be gall stones, but at that point I had not idea what was wrong. It was the first time I was truly afraid for one of my parents. I dread the day I have to say good bye for good.
I had a few private cries through my teenage years and into college and I admit to getting some teary eyes while watching some movies like, for example, Schindler's List. I have the soundtrack. Even that is pretty sad. Those kinds of cries have always been when I was alone, and I probably wouldn't tell anyone about them face to face. The anonymity of the Internet is nice.