Yes. I joined a local bicycle club here in the DC area. Yesterday, I rode 10 miles out of the city to join a group ride. Then I rode 29 miles through some quiet suburban streets with the group and then rode the 10 miles back home. Much more enjoyable than what I used to do on Saturday mornings. I also commute to work on my bicycle and my usual route to work takes me by a KH. It gives me a little reminder of how much less hectic life is now.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
Ex-JW Cyclists
by new light init's a beautiful sunday morning here and i'm looking forward to the first above-freezing ride of the year.
i'm joining a bike club and taking some group rides that invariably fall on saturday and/or sunday mornings.
it's so nice to have these time slots back.
Any fun plans this weekend??
by Sassy inwith it being friday and i am itching to get off work and have a couple days off... .
i was wondering if anyone had anything fun planned?
right now i don't even know what i am going to do.. but i am in the mood for some fun.. any ideas??
The forecast is a high of 50 and sunny skies here. Sounds like a good day day to get on the bicycle and spin the pedals for about 50 miles. There's a nice bike club ride scheduled so I'll probably join them. Maybe I'll go to a jazz club Saturday night.
Whats for dinner?
by Stefanie inwhats everyone having tonight?
i could use some ideas.
if you can please recomend some restaraunts also.
Thanks for that tip. I had already cooked it when I saw your post. I tried making a pouch with aluminum foil and poured a little cooking wine in on the fish, onions, bell pepper and seafood seasoning and put it in the oven for about 30 minutes at 325. It's tastes fine to me, although it could probably be better. I'm just waiting on the rice to finish now. I'll try it that way next time. That definitely sounds easier. I've always steamed salmon before.
Whats for dinner?
by Stefanie inwhats everyone having tonight?
i could use some ideas.
if you can please recomend some restaraunts also.
Planning on stopping at the fish market on the way home and getting some salmon fillet. I'll either steam it or I might try this pouch cooking method I saw on the food network. I'll add some rice and probably some broccoli. Maybe not the most appetizing, but I'm trying to go healthy here.
What's your status....relationship wise?
by Maverick inone of the down sides of the web is not knowing the various posters status; married, involved, looking, and lost...suspect a lot of those here!
my status is complicated...mostly by me!
i have a couple of admirers that would like to lock me down but i keep dancing around the whole issue.
Quizno's Sub commercial: "We love the subs!"
by Freddy Krueger inthis was mentioned on another thread briefly.
this needs it's own thread.
i want someone to tell me what the hell these things are?
I tried a Quizno's sub once, and I didn't like it. I think perhaps they made it with too many onions drenched in too much of whatever that wet runny condiment they used. I was thinking of trying Quizno's again one day, because perhaps I simply chose the wrong type of sub for myself on that day. Maybe I'll like one of their other subs.
But that commercial certainly isn't going to hurry me up in doing the retry. I think the commercial is kind of cool in a weird creature sort of way, but they look like a genetic experiment gone bad...Rats with a bad set of human teeth. It's not exactly what I want to be thinking about when I eat a sub.
Do you ride a unicycle to work?
by Elsewhere in.
on my way in to work this morning i saw a strange sight... a unicycle chained to a pole.
at first this may not seem strange, but think about it, the fact that someone chained this unicycle to a pole means that someone is riding a unicycle around downtown dallas.. now, i can handle someone riding a bicycle... but a unicycle??
That's an interesting photo. I say why not ride a unicycle. Of course, it looks like a single gear machine so it might take a little more effort per mile than most bicycles which usually have multiple gears. If I could ride one, I think I'd just try to lug it inside with me since its so small. On the one in the picture, if you removed the wheel, there would be no way to lock it to anything, except maybe through the rails on the bottom of the seat. Wheels are usually removed on bikes because they have quick release bolts which makes the front wheel very easy to steal. This also deters theft by thieves who want to ride off on the bike.
When Challenger exploded, I was at elementary school. We had watched other shuttle launches live, but we didn't watch that one.
The day the Oklahoma Federal building was bombed, I was a senior in high school, I think. I walked into government or US history class, can't remember exactly which, and our teacher turned on the television and said "Be quiet, Look at this! Look at this!" I was like woah!!
Princess Diana didn't register that high. I don't remember where I was. Obviously, some people in the US pay more attention to her. I did think it was too bad they were always running from the paparazzi.
9/11 I was getting ready for work and on my way to work when both towers were hit. I didn't turn on the television that morning and I was going in a bit late. As I rode up to my office, which at that time was about a mile from the Pentagon, I noticed what looked like an irregularly dark cloud in the distance and maybe two people standing outside looking in that direction. I kind of shrugged it off in my mind, and went up to my office. A few minutes after I got in, I got a call from my wife who was out in field service in a neighborhood not more than a couple of miles from the Pentagon and she told me what had happened. I looked out the window and the cloud had gotten much darker and was obviously the smoke from the Pentagon. Needless to say, as the word spread through the office, there were a lot emotions and no one stayed at work much longer after that. Probably half of the people had left before we got the official closing announcement. I went home and watched the continuous coverage in surprise.
Dating and such...
by dustyb infor people thats more experienced on the wt policies of dating, how do they scripturally back up not being alone, not being allowed to be in the same car and stuff like that?
it has gotten ridiculous now because my g/f is scared for me to drive her 3 hours to a concert and she wants to take seperate cars.
its total bullshit and i'm not going for it, we're taking the same car and i jsut wanted to see if it was more of a man-made rule.
There's is no scriptural back up for that rule. It is simply an over protective rule. They want to prevent any chance of fornication, so they think a rule will do it.
I actually got away with dating alone. But we were both attending the same university and we kind of just started hanging out together alone on Friday nights even before we were an item. So no one really knew but our parents and if anyone else did know about me, they probably had some thought of he's just a good little witness. Well on a Friday evening, sometimes you could find some unlocked and vacant classrooms our campus. We would usually study our Watchtower together and after that we would study each other, but we never had sex. Sometimes we would go somewhere public like to dinner or a movie.
My parents had a double standard on this matter. They never bothered me about a chaperone. My sister on the other, never got near her bf without a chaperone. My date's mother was simply more lenient in general about JW rules. My date's father left JW many years ago after being in only a few years.
How Many of you Enjoy Photography?
by codeblue ini for one, love photography!!!
yes, i was in camara club for 2 years in high school.
proud to say a lot of my photos ended up in my senior year book!!!
I like taking pictures. I don't know that I have enough skill to call myself a photographer. I have a barebones 35 mm and I also have a nice 2.5 MP digital camera with a few more functions. Unfortunately, its being repaired now, but I love to take a camera on scenic bicycle rides around the area trails and take pictures. I'll have to figure out how to take good night pictures with my digital camera when I get it back. When I'm riding my bicycle back home from work on some nights, I get some really great views of the city from the Virginia side of the Potomac.