There's no such thing as a JW friend, anyway. All JW relationships are just opportunities, thus all the conditions on keeping them.
I'm not sure that can be entirely true, as an absolute statement. I can think of one family who are most definitely an exception.
Just one, but that one makes the statement in its absolute form invalid. As a general rule, I agree. The principles about "close association" expressed in “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” don't really have anything to do with friendship at all.
"How can we apply the principle behind Paul’s warnings? By avoiding close association with anyone—inside or outside the congregation—who could be a corrupting influence. (2 Thessalonians 3:6, 7, 14) We must protect our spirituality. Remember that like a sponge, we absorb the attitudes and ways of our close friends. Just as we cannot submerge a sponge in vinegar and expect it to fill with water, so we cannot associate with those who exert a negative influence and expect to absorb what is positive."
It's as though people are just resources for spirituality. Friendship doesn't come into it.
Sorry if this is too off topic, but it followed from the earlier bits of the thread.