Thanks for posting this, Bangalore.
Many of you may think that as I never actually became a JW I couldn't possibly know, and of course my experience doesn't include many years or even being born as a JW. Really, only a comparatively short time of almost 2 years, preceded by a longer period of softening up. But it got to within days...
So I haven't experienced a disfellowshipping process, but I have experienced much, much too recently the totally unexpected, out-of-the-blue cross-examination and systematic psychological shredding that a authoritative elders' visit can produce. That gave me the complete cold shower and, thank goodness, the sharp, strident wake-up call that has saved me at the last minute.
Coming back onto this site has been just one thing that's helped. You might think, why do I need help after so short a time in it? Because, incredibly, you might think, those of you who remember me coming here for a few months back in the early summer, since a couple "rescued" me from the situation caused by one sister's behaviour, I had thrown myself totally into the life and activities of the congregation, and seemed to have made new friends. Since many of my old friends had been so stunned or concerned at what I'd done they'd faded away, and the whole pattern of my life had changed.
There is no way I am ever going back into a Kingdoom Hall, but I was so shocked and troubled by some of the things said that I too have experienced some of the symptoms listed on that page. Two good long conversations in the last day or so, one with two really good old friends, and one with another less well-known friend but one skilled in exactly this kind of recovery, have helped me somewhat.
I can add to the helpful links, as a resource these two pages on parts of the process. That elders' visit lleft me traumatised. These pages might seem to some extreme, in the circumstances, but actually even I have experienced some of these effects to a degree.
I'm still working through it all. The JW induction process seems to me to break people down psychologically. I think that process must lie behind many of the "The Bible Changes Lives" stories in the Watchtower.
Perfectly normal-looking people living perfectly normal lives are made to loathe and reject their former selves, friends, hobbies, perhaps families all for this group of smug self-satisfied deluded preachers.
Am I being too harsh? I'm still pretty angry at what happened to me.