Although he was not "my cup of tea" the man had an exceptional ability to reason often catching himself in a contradiction. Famously he once stated that he was an athiest and then when being challenged by a group of christians said "oh god" even he chuckled.
It is sad when anyone dies and at such an early age. Even though we may or may not have agreed with his POV he stuck by it had a sound reason in his mind for it and llived it.
If I am right his brother is equally as brilliant at putting forth his case for his beliefs.
I think in some cases he irked people because when he was proved to be incorrect he pulled a tone of arrongance and childishness example of which was statng that the death of american soldiers is right to achieve a cause "most in this audience wouldn't understand" and when booed said " people are watching you disagree with me" which made people laugh more than take him seriously.
In the end he took a more lighthearted tone and tonite on Anderson Cooper one was able to see the real man who firmly believed what he wrote and was determined not to be a hypocrite by calling out for a God to come to his rescue.
Great mind that will be missed.