While these figures suggest stagnation, keep in mind that they
are inherently bogus to a huge degree.
Consider baptisms: the majority of these may well be Witness kids
most of whom likely will walk away from the 'truth'. Indeed, many
elders can tell you stories about kids getting df'd shortly
after baptism. The Society dropped all thought of invalid
baptisms some time ago because the situation was a mess.
And publishers? The only reason you don't see a real decline
in the US is the influx of Hispanics (compare Canada and Alaska).
The number of people harassed into reporting some time is likely
huge too - remember, all you have to do REPORT time, whether you
actually did anything or not. Consider the swing of over 100,000
publishers counted a couple years ago from one month to the next
when the Society demanded a maximum effort. This was the two
month period when they got over 1 million pubs as a peak.