JoinedTopics Started by shakyground
What imaginary places would you visit if you could?
by rebel8 inrisa [star trek].
several of the places in the old james bond movies.
willie wonka factory.
It's funny how situations like this created so much drama.
by shakyground ini'm sitting here at work by myself reminiscing about an old situation that created unneccesary tension.
a few years ago as my mother was in the hospital just diagnosed with ovarian cancer,most family were already at the hospital but my sister who lived in new york at the time had not arrived yet.
my mother who was newly reinstated and knew that my sister and her ex husband now boyfriend wanted to stay the week in her house.
The whole NGO thing.
by shakyground ini was just thinking today at work about the whole ngo thing and got pretty deep in thought about it.
i remember reading about it and i remember reading on a pro jw site i think it was jehovah uk or something like that.
on the pro jw site they said that when the society signed and joined as an ngo there were no requirements to pledge that you will uphold the ideals of the un etc etc.
Can anyone relate? Or is it just me?
by shakyground intoday at the gas station i'm at the register getting my snacks and i happen to glance out the window and see my super j-dub workmate.
the kind of guy that just can't seem to have a conversation without bringing up spirtual things.
i don't see him that much because he works another shift, but everytime i do see this guy he asks about how my studies are going, or when am i getting baptized, what's holding me back, or ask me a rhetorical bible question, kinda like quizzing me.
Are JW,s scared of Muslims ?
by pedal power inare there any circumstances when the watchtower takes on moslems head on, or like western govts, do they retreat as cowards?.
i placed some literature with a captain in the egyption navy, from alexandria, the jw,s were invisible, if they were even there !!
Am I wrong for being angry at my dads funeral last year?
by shakyground inthat's the question that i have been thinking about all day for some reason.
it's 5:30 am and i been in and out of sleep all night.
let me go into further detail to explain.
Confessions of a teenage Jesus jerk.
by shakyground ini stumbled upon this coming of age novel about a teenage jehovahs witness growing up in san francisco.
it was such a great novel and hit real close to home.
it was funny and sad at the same timel but i loved it.
Where the need is great
by noontide in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:donotoptimizeforbrowser /> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
wow, havent been around here in a while and it's nice to see some familiar names as well as new ones.. .
well, its that time of year again when some members of my family decide that they need to go preach where the need is great.
Anybody watch Game of Thrones?
by shakyground ini started watching game of thrones and it has become my fav tv show in a long time.
i may even read the novels.
i love fantasy novels and movies, i always tried not to like them and felt bad when a new book came out and always gave in and read it lol.
Another newguy here
by shakyground inhmmm where do i start?
well, i have been lurking on here for about 6 months.
i was raised around the witnesses all my life.