In the words of Freud(?), "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"
some read too much into things and give the boys at Bethel a little too much credit. the NWT translators rendered it "undeserved kindness" not in pursuit of any agenda other than their doggedness to butcher the poetry of the scriptures with a too literal translation.
What is really amazing is that most Witnesses do not understand that what the rest of Christianity refers to as GRACE is what Witnesses call Undeserved Kindness. They refer to the same thing in theory but each term has its own nuances and connotations.
Undeserved Kindness is off-putting, distancing, it reminds humans of their place in cosmology. We bestow undeserved kindness upon a stray dog when we toss it a morsel or rescue it from an icy river. (And unfortunately, that is how the term seems to place us in relation to God, as Witnesses, who should be thankful for their salvation.)
Grace on the other hand, in addition to being more beautiful, is intimate, enfolding, it is like God taking us into his arms. It seems more loving.
So in my opinion Grace would be a much more preferable term.
But we shouldn't make too much of a fuss over these things since they are English words anyway. We shouldn't forget that the scriptures were not written in English so to whine about word choice and translation is like complaining about how one person describes a rainbow or a sunset as it may differ from how another might describe those things.