If it was an Alien Invasion (ETs) like War of the Worlds or Independence Day, I would fight back in anyway that I could but probably not join the armed forces.
i want to put this in the right frame, as what is happening in iraq is not about dying for our countries.
so this is what i mean by this question.. if a foreign government were to suddenly invade your country.
would you be willing to join the arm forces to fight for your country, knowing full well that you may die having never been able to reap the benefits of any possible victory?
If it was an Alien Invasion (ETs) like War of the Worlds or Independence Day, I would fight back in anyway that I could but probably not join the armed forces.
i have noticed that some posters are here a lot, and i was just wondering how you find so much time to do that?
between work, coming home and playing with my child, working outdoors in the yard, and enjoying the weekend in the outdoors doing fishing, hiking or just getting outside.
i have little time for places like this and yet some are here "a lot!
I receive a small stipend from the WTBTS to post regularly, giving a pro-JW voice and countering negative info about the Society.
Hah hah!!!! Just kidding.
Well my average posts is still less than one a day so I don't post a lot, (maybe it just seems that way), but I browse more than I put in comments. I usually post and run, in between my many responsibilities and work.
I am also a night owl and usually post at night, plus sometimes I read and post while watching TV, during the commercials.
i have noticed that at the kingdom hall there are no cemeteries around!
where do they bury the dead of the faithful jehovah's witnesses?
i'm not sure but if they are buried at the local cemeteries which are catholic, united church, etc... etc.... isn't that being a bit hipocrit to speak openly about these church right from the pulpit yet those churches are good enough to rest in peace?
Don't know about in other countries but in the U.S. most churches do not have cemetaries attached. And in any case, in the U.S. there is almost invariably a privately owned cemetary near even the smallest of towns which serve people of all faiths or those of none.
The brother of the singer James Ingram was the guest speaker at our hall one Sunday. He could really sing too and you could tell he was sort of holding back not wanting to show off when he sung the Kingdom Songs.
Me and another brother took Bro. Ingram and his wife out to lunch afterwards. What was interesting to me was that during his talk, he used this weird illustration but there was something that struck me as discordant in it. So I asked Brother Ingram about the source and sure enough it was actually one of Aesop's fables and where the character in the story was supposed to be Mercury, Bro Ingram had substitued an "angel" so that the story would go over with the friends. I just found that funny.
girl's brother testifies father fatally beat her
chicago tribune, united states - 20 minutes ago .
... avenue, chicago.
Why do so many tragic headlines occur regarding "The happiest people on earth"?We all know that these are a tiny minority compared to the loving parents that most J W 's are. But if the Watchtower were to be believed there would not be any cases. A reasonable man might concede that there may be one or two cases in a matter of years , due to human imperfection. But So Many??. There was also that awful case in Mexico only recently where a whole family got wiped out . I will always remember the blood stained "Bible Stories Book" in the photo of that case.
Perhaps there is a problem? I am really beginning to think so. Either the teachings are making it happen? Or are they just attracting more than their fair share of psychopathic bullies? I don't know the answer.
Not sure what you mean by so many. Of a population of 6 Million + (or 15 Million + if you use those associated with Witnesses) it seems that the number of incidents of criminal activity are extremely low. As for stories like these, this story would be ghastly (and there for interesting to readers) no matter what religion the people were. Normally, their religion would not even be cited but it is because of the CONTRADICTION that it makes the religion fact an interesting fact to report. It is because JWS are known to be law-abiding and generally good persons who preach and teach that the family life should be positive and loving, that when an instance where the circumstance goes against that knowlege, it makes the story interesting. The RARITY of JWs going bad makes it newsworthy to report that the person is a JW. Additionally, JWs are well-known to a superficial extent by the general population but in some ways they are an "exotic" group, thus more often than not if a JW is involved the fact that they are a JW will be mentioned. Basically when a JW does something bad it is as startling and extraordinary as if a Nun or someone like that did something criminal. It just isn't expected and is contrary to what they stand for and that makes it news. -Eduardo
do they provide guidelines about safely entering homes?.
if a jw enters a home for the first time, what kind of safety precautions are taken by the car group to ensure the safety of the jw?.
for instance i was shocked to find out my jw wife wasn't instructed by the elders as to which homes belonged to registered sex offenders.
The #1 rule is to use one's good common sense. If the situation looks dangerous, a JW will have no qualms about skipping over the house or if two sisters are concerned about going to a particular door they will ask the brothers to do it.
The buddy method is in part a safety measure. During the field ministry, the entire group pretty much sticks together. if a pair is invited inside one of the houses, the brother in charge will wait or the entire group will wait on the corner until they come out. If it takes longer than 15 minutes the brother in charge will usually go over to check that they are ok. If they are discussing he may give them more time or the JWs will make arrangements for a return visit.
My former congregation here in Los Angeles encompassed a lot of rough neighborhoods here in South Central Los Angeles and neither we nor any other congregations ever had trouble while in the ministry from street gangs or criminals, etc.
The only time I have ever been threatened was during one of the few times that I went in service as a teen back in New Mexico, it was quite rural territory, and the guy yelled at me and my brother to get off his porch and threatened to shoot us. I think that rural territory presents bigger chances of danger since people who live out separated like that feel somewhat immune to the law and also tend to have a greater sense of ownership over their land.
Overall, it is extremely rare that Witnesses are in any significant danger in the ministry. However, your observation regarding the sex offender database is a good one and I had included such a question in the guide that I am working on since a parent would want to ask such a question of their ex-spouse if that spouse planned on having the child(ren) accompany him or her in the ministry.
according to the bible he decided to name her "woman".
in the previous verses he had been on an exercise to name all the beasts of the field and birds of the air.. personally, if i'd been wandering around a paradise garden on my own for years naming animals and suddenly set eyes on a perfect naked woman, i think i would be inclined to invent the first swear word.. although later, when eve gave birth, adam said it had been "with the lord's help".
so maybe he wasn't quite as spontaneous as i'd imagined, or maybe adam thought god was serious when he said she was a "helper".
I think he looked Heavenward and said "What now?"
i was talking about a born again neighbour of ours on my topic on 'is j k rowling a witch?
' today.. one thing, during our discussion that she brought out was that she had actually seen first hand the original books of the bible.
i told her that the whole, unconditional, originally written scrolls books as first put down, 'pen to paper' as it was no longer existed.. she said she had seen them herself in israel and hence 'knew for certain that these bible books are from god!'.
no they don't and she doesn't know what she is talking about. not only are there no original manuscripts there aren't even early generation copies of the original manuscripts.........
girl's brother testifies father fatally beat her
chicago tribune, united states - 20 minutes ago .
... avenue, chicago.
This guy is a scumbag. It is too bad that he didn't succeed in killing himself but maybe the state will do it for him.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not condone beating their children or anything like this situation that goes far beyond even a beating. This was a murderous rage. JWs do condone corporal punishment, aka spanking.
I thought this part of another article gave some interesting details about this fat pig.........
The Slacks, neither of whom have any previous criminal history, both have made videotaped admissions about the beating, the prosecutor said. According to Pfeiffer and police who were there when the Slacks were being questioned, Larry Slack attempted to kill himself while in custody.
Pfeiffer said Larry Slack, who weighs more than 350 pounds, had sneaked a 6-inch kitchen knife into the Calumet Area police station by hiding it in the folds of his skin. He stabbed himself in the chest and was transported to Christ Hospital and Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was treated for minor injuries before being returned to police custody
Pfeiffer said Larry Slack, who weighs more than 350 pounds, had sneaked a 6-inch kitchen knife into the Calumet Area police station by hiding it in the folds of his skin. He stabbed himself in the chest and was transported to Christ Hospital and Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was treated for minor injuries before being returned to police custody.
Calumet Area detectives who were familiar with the case said Tuesday that Larry Slack had told them that he strongly believed in corporal punishment. They also said that they knew him to be deeply religious, but they added it was unclear whether Slack was abiding by some religious mandate.
But Leon Slack, an uncle of Laree's, said religion had nothing to do with what happened. "Our family loved Laree dearly," read a statement the family released Tuesday.
In a brief telephone interview, the uncle went further.
"What happened was a tragedy," he said. "It was not in line with religion. Something obviously went wrong, and we just want to grieve as a family."
yeee haaa!
i'm an outlaw now!
the elders warned me that if any i talk about anything said in the judicial committee or post any pictures i've taken, i'm in big trouble and i don't want these people as enimies!
Hi Danny,
hope you are doing well.
In listening to the proceedings it was a mixture of familiarity, sadness and at times hilarity. Also, I am just sorry but it is almost impossible for me not to picture the room full of William Macy-type guys and that itself makes the sound files pretty funny. The whole thing would be quite funny if it weren't so sad and I know, personally traumatic.
One thing that I took away from hearing your meetings and hearing the others out there, and even in reflecting upon my own, is that no matter how smart or educated or prepared the person is, the situation is one which is intimidating and it seems that it is very easy to agree, to capitulate to some extent, even when what the Elders are saying is wrong or we don't agree with it.
If anything, the more that proceedings like these are made public, perhaps others may be better prepared to deal with the situation.
In my opinion, I would not advise anyone to meet with the Elders in a JC at the KH at all, but I would tell them that they should only meet at their legal counsel's office or some other neutral meeting room and that their legal counsel will be both audio recording and taping the meeting. Of course, they will go ahead and hold their secret, unscriptural JC anyway and do what they are going to do, but with perhaps the exception in some very limited circumstances, I would not advise anyone to cooperate with the proceedings as they want to conduct them.
In listening to the tapes, it was quite clear that they intended to disfellowship you by the second meeting so there really didn't seem to be much of an issue. It would not have helped you really, since it does seem clear that they intended to disfellowship you, but it seems that in the early meetings, a useful tactic would and is to get the Elders to admit that the Society both has been wrong in the past and could be wrong now.
Doing that is pretty easy to do in discussing any big recent change like the Generation Doctrine, or if one needs to, one can go back to things like Organ transplants are cannabalism or even the Oral Sex stuff of the 70s, or even 1975, if the Elders are really honest.
If one needs to push the point further you can go to further things like Vaccinations don't work, etc. but then you are dealing with the truth outside of their experience and they would be more reluctant to acknowledge the possibility that the Society can be wrong.
The point is once you get them to accept and openly admit the premise that the Society can be wrong and actually HAS published things which have been wrong in the past (even recently), then you can always keep coming back to that when they question you about your "doubting" or when they keep urging you only to rely upon the FDS and the publications.
It isn't a totally winnable position but it is the best one in this situation.
I was wondering who the woman is in the appeal meetings? I was surprised that they tolerated her presence. Also I was wondering about the issues pertaining to your mental state, there was a mention of potential suicide, and so forth. I hope that you are fine. I hope that some of this was just positioning on your part.
looking forward to hearing more of your experience and seeing what your family will do. What happened to the JW roommate?
take care,