No one is denying that for Witnesses their faith and theocratic activities are not of primary importance or that the goals of full-time service aren't what are emphasized in the literature or from the platform. That viewpoint is sure to be revealed by the JW parent themselves if not opposing counsel.
At issue in this thread is whether the CCB's statements are meant to foster deception or not.
IF the the CCB stated something like "Make sure that they don't say that their (the children's) faith is of primary importance" then in that case it would be contradictory to the Society's publications and JW culture and also it would be asking the children to deceive the court.
BUT THAT is clearly NOT what the CCB states:
"Be careful that they [JW children being questioned] don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service and going to the Kingdom Hall. Show hobbies, crafts, social activity, sports, and especially plans for the future.
"Be careful they don't all say that they are going to be pioneers. Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theatre. They must be clean, moral, HONEST, but with interests you would expect from other young people." [CC: emphasis]
It can't be any more clearer that what is being told to counsel or the JW parent is to ensure that the child understands that they are to relate the whole story of what their interests are and what their plans are. In the vast majority of cases, this will not be full-time service and ALL JW children have "outside" interests which they can share with the court evaluators. This is not deception it is accuracy.
Of course, opposing counsel if they are savvy and prepared can reiterate the point that while JW children may have the other pursuits that the constant message and the most socially (among JWs) approved goals are that of full-time service.
I get that most lay persons don't understand the counsel and what the information is saying. Because this material is so easily misread, especially with those already holding a predisposition to do so, it is one of the reasons the CCB is available by request and not just a pamphlet widely distributed among JWs.
Children are rarely asked to give testimony directly to the court in child-custody disputes. Normally the court relies upon an examination conducted by professionals. These interviews are lengthy enough and the ones conducting them generally skilled enough that no amount of preparation would be able to hide the fundamentals about the child's views, goals, attitudes, etc.
Every witness in a trial is prepared by counsel or some other expert. If counsel doesn't prepare their witness they are not doing their job. The difference between "coaching" which is unethical and prepping the witness is that with prepping the witness you familiarize them with the situation of giving testimony, review their direct examination and the likely cross examination questions and address other aspects of their testimony like body language and so forth. Coaching a witness is rehearsing a witness to the point where they are not giving their own testimony but answers that originate with someone else.