Morality (from the Latinmoralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation among intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (for example, according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. The adjectivemoral is synonymous with "good" or "right." Immorality is the active opposition to morality (i.e. good or right), while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles - That is how wikipedia defines it
So now the question is how do we determine whether a decision/action is good or bad? and does it apply to all humans? perhaps even animals?. Everyday we bear witness to acts which are quite disturbing, but to others its just good. Ask yourself how one can justify terrorism, or abortion, or incest, or wars, u name it. But yet still others look upon such actions with satisfaction and you wonder if something is wrong with them.
Who determines if something is right or wrong?good or bad, how come animals have a strick parttern of morality and yet humans are divided about issues every single day, what we consider good today might turn out to be wrong tomorrow and vice versa. There was a time when people frowned upon acts of abortion, and today we accept it, there was a time when people despised the just the thought of homosexuality, and yet today people welcome it whole heartedly, Slavery No?. Does all this seem justifiable? did our morality evolve? if it did what is the assurance that tomow it not be right to hold up a gun to another person's head in broad daylight and have nothing to worry about or.
Is someone really accountabe for what we are experiencing now, pulling the strings from behind the scene? could there be something out there? something we cant comprehend as humans? outside of our natural world?
If we came here not by our own means or by evolution as some beleive then its not far fetched to think that we are being influened by things we dont see, like spirits, demons, gods, u name it, and if we really are then there is got to be something they also consider as morally good or bad right?
Sometimes you wonder if factors like religion came about because some men thought of it as their way of taking charge, but the you go deeper and you realize things are very different, after all show me a religion which holds no connection to a higher form of being. And its obvious all religions are centered on one thing - God, though there be different means by which all these religions claim to lead to that very God.
So did God impose our morality?. did He set the standards of what is right and wrong?. I find it hard to believe that same God is responsible for our various divisions concerning morality. What if there are beings who reject those God's standards? could they be attributed to why there has been no cinsistence in our partern of morals. Cos all the animals i have known from the time i was a child till now still hold those same animal morals, they do the same over and over without change.
I really want to go on but i am quite worn out now, i being a christian believe that our broad sense of morality is a privlledge we enjoy as humans because of our freewill, i mean are not animals made to follow a specific parttern and live by specific morals? Some may argue about freewill, but dont forget that there is free will if you have a choice, the fact that there are consequencies dont not mean we dont have free will.
Suppose there are 2 people, and one of them chooses to smoke but the other does not, at the end of the day there are consequanceis for both of their actions which they exercised because of their free will. And the outcome is quite predictable for those 2 right?