What does brill mean?
comments you will not hear at the 10-20-02 wt study.
"without an illustration he would not speak to them"matthew 13:34. introduction.
"can you recall an illustration you heard, perhaps in a public discourse, many years ago?
What does brill mean?
the blood hasn't been wiped off the axe yet but just thought someone here had a good video of the axing itself.
edited to add that no reply is expected or wanted.
just venting, that's all.
What am I missing? *confused*
5. my big fat greek mistress.
4. born on the 25th of december.
3. white lies beneath.
It cracked me up that an 80s Watchtower or Awake listed Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as a violent film that JWs should not see. Of course, it wasn't a direct order not to see it, but it was one of those strong suggestions. I mean, come on, that film is tame.
perhaps someone out there knows if this is a common jw paranoia.
once a sister in my hall was going to have a baby.
because she wasn't in the "click" no one offered to give her a baby shower.
Yeah, I had the same trouble at every congregation I went to. No lists, no giving out invitations, or even thank you cards, at the KH or at the bookstudy. Weird shit.
comments you will not hear at the 10-20-02 wt study.
"without an illustration he would not speak to them"matthew 13:34. introduction.
"can you recall an illustration you heard, perhaps in a public discourse, many years ago?
Brill, blondie. Love your posts.
i was very sure that i was, for several years (in the 80's).
never ate/drank the emblems.
don't feel that way now at all.. i knew a few others my age that had a similar experience.. fantasy?.
I remember once, a friend of mine and I were in the library looking at the bread after the Memorial. Ooo ahhhh. Someone (I forget whom) came in and said that it was OK to eat now coz it wasn't special anymore. So we did. Then my dad and another elder walked in on us, and boy what a fuss! "You can't eat that! It's for the anointed!" There were no partakers in our hall. I explained what happened and made some comment about not wasting the food. Still can't believe the stupid fuss over it.
my daughter would be turning 13 tomorrow, if she were still alive.
it's been nearly 5 years since her death, and yet the pain and the sense of incalculable loss is still there.
her birthday is one of the hardest times of the year - one where the hurt really manifests itself - we should have been having a big party, but all we have to remember her by is a hard cold lump of stone with her name on it.
I'm so sorry, Stephanus. I know nothing I can say can make it feel any better, but you are in my thoughts.
to be able to properly "encourage one another, more so as you behold the end drawing near", we as jw's were instructed to do the following: .
(1) stay after the meeting for "upbuilding association", and .
(2) rather than talk about mundane things of life, discuss the finer points of the meeting just held.
I always hated it when they would tell you after an assembly or convention to "discuss what you've learned on the way home." Bah. I rarely remembered anything unless it had to do with Armageddon. I never understood how people could say, "Remember at the 1979 district convention, when Brother so and so said...." Hell, no, I don't remember what I did yesterday.
first of all, sorry for my bad english i'm from peru south america.
there's a lot to tell but i'm going in this time to be brief, because i'm very busy.. i had been an elder for almost 8 years and a jh for more than 22 years.. i'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old.
i grow as a catholic and got baptized as a jh at the age of 21.. in october of 2001 a jw friend ask me about the un&wt and bulgarian affair.
Welcome. I had been DF'd, but was wondering if I should try to go back just so I could speak to my family. But then I found out about the UN thing, and after researching more, decided I would not return. You are not alone.
the red commentary is mine.
i can't help it!
Wolfgirl... All I kept thinking about as I read the story for the first time was, "Why??? What's the point???"
Bottom of the barrel is a good answer. Thanks!
It was a slow news day.