Nute, You made it dude, your a survivor of 'Stalag Watchtower'
Those vicious little images take a long time to fade, but they do.
Posts by moman
Signing up to be a JW again
by moman inwhy would someone, upon tasting freedom, want to return to bondage?.
lets call it the "shawshank redemption syndrome" to those that havn't seen the movie, its one of those 'triumph of the human spirit over extream adversity' movies.. the movie depicts the lives of prisoners & how difficult it iz to adjust to freedom after years of incarceration,you know, the guy that breaks the store window so he can go back to prison & whats familiar.. i can understand, in light of the above, how some who leave the borg,& then have a yearning for the old ways.
the watchtower offers answers for everything, you need not think, just play by the rules & everything will be ok, because we have the real god on our side!
Signing up to be a JW again
by moman inwhy would someone, upon tasting freedom, want to return to bondage?.
lets call it the "shawshank redemption syndrome" to those that havn't seen the movie, its one of those 'triumph of the human spirit over extream adversity' movies.. the movie depicts the lives of prisoners & how difficult it iz to adjust to freedom after years of incarceration,you know, the guy that breaks the store window so he can go back to prison & whats familiar.. i can understand, in light of the above, how some who leave the borg,& then have a yearning for the old ways.
the watchtower offers answers for everything, you need not think, just play by the rules & everything will be ok, because we have the real god on our side!
Why would someone, upon tasting freedom, want to return to bondage?
Lets call it the "Shawshank Redemption Syndrome" To those that havn't seen the movie, its one of those 'triumph of the human spirit over extream adversity' movies.
The movie depicts the lives of prisoners & how difficult it iz to adjust to freedom after years of incarceration,you know, the guy that breaks the store window so he can go back to prison & whats familiar.I can understand, in light of the above, how some who leave the Borg,& then have a yearning for the old ways. The Watchtower offers answers for everything, you need not think, just play by the rules & everything will be OK, because we have the REAL God on our side!
Years of having your BRAIN hyjacked by the BORG can have the same effect, some just can't enjoy the FREEDOM, they just don't know how. Never understimate the power of the BORG!
This iz so sad!
Just an update for you all!!!
by HyTech inmy wife just called me at work to inform me the same 2 elders that paid us a visit the other night stopped by this morning ( while i wasn't home, of course!).
they said they wanted to talk to her about the way she felt about the organization.
she basically said the same things i did and they told her that there would be a letter of disassociation read at the next meeting.
A job well done!
by MadApostate in
the "christian longo" drama has been on television and in the newspapers now for about a week, and will stay in the headlines until he is captured.. the xjw community ****now**** has a good opportunity to communicate with reporters to explain that jw shunning may very well have been the driving force behind longo's downhill slid which finally climaxed in an act of mass-murder.. per the news articles, longo's initial problems appear to have been "financial".
such problems could have been dealt with if longo's parent's would simply have offered and provided financial assistance.
YoYo, your a Jdub for gods-sake, how could you call anyone an IDIOT?
Oops, I forgot, your BRAINWASHED& because your brain haz been HYJACKED by the Borg, you don't realise what youe saying...THATS THE BEAUTY OF nevermind! -
"A Day for a Year": I Need a Beer
by Farkel ineveryone wants to find meaning and purpose in their life.
people who have been taught to believe in the bible seek stuff in the bible to give them meaning in their life.
some people make up stuff supposedly based on the bible to give them meaning in their life.. the watchtower society goes one step further: they make up stuff supposedly based on the bible to give their corporation meaning and importance in life.. far too many true believers have a difficult time accepting what should be obvious to any rational human: the bible meant exactly what it said.
Thanx a lot Farkel,I soooo much appreciate you pointing out that I waz such a DUMB-ASS, if I wazen't lol so hard, I would be throwing up!
By the way, I admire you for admiting you went for that day-for-a-year CRAP. I will never admit that, at least when by wifes not around, she always exposes me.....damn!
The 1914 generation is back for 2002
by Skimmer inthe 1914 generation is back for 2002.. that's right.
some people who were alive in 1914 will still be around to see the big a according to the 2002 theocratic ministry school outline.
i downloaded the 4.8 mbyte zip file the other day and was looking for references to 1914.. from section number four of the june 17, 2002 entry (page 112):.
Skimmer, good point, who knows?
Sometimes, I think, the Borg could care less, the sheep are BRAINWASHED afterall, they can say ANYTHING lol! -
The "Moses Trap"
by moman inupon talking to an old friend & (card carrying dub) awhile back,he unwittingly inserted a shoe into hiz gaping orafice.. .
although, this person & hiz family are straining under the heavy yolk of the borg, he insisted that the wt waz not a false prophet, but just made a mistake,az all humans do.
the example he cited waz the (old moses one), thus setting the trap on himself.
Upon talking to an old friend & (card carrying Dub) awhile back,he unwittingly inserted a shoe into hiz gaping orafice.
Although, this person & hiz family are straining under the heavy yolk of the Borg, he insisted that the WT waz not a false prophet, but just made a mistake,az all humans do. The example he cited waz the (old Moses one), thus setting the trap on himself. He said," Moses waz a prophet & he made a mistake & although God corrected him & he waz punished, he waz still a prophet of Jehovah."Well, we all know the account he waz refering to, when Moses gave into the crowd clammering for water by commanding the water to come out of the rocks, but didn't give the credit to God.
I asked him, "Did God make the miracle happen anyway?", he of course, answered, "yes!" (the trap now being set). I replied, "So,if the WT iz spirit dirrected & a prophet like Moses, then would it not follow, that God would make their prophecies come (right or wrong) like Moses?" The silence waz deafining, he had no answer & could only mutter & try to change the topic.
I realize this iz very basic to a lot you & iz nothing new, but I wanted to share it anyway. By the way, he remains elusive.
Jonestown and Watchtower Society--Similarities
by GinnyTosken inrecently in another thread, dannybear mentioned jim jones and the mass suicides at jonestown.
about two years ago when the issue of cults in france was a hot topic in ex-jw discussions, i became curious about jim jones and his followers.
i had seen the news reports and horrific footage, but i wanted to understand how a man could convince 638 of his adult followers to kill themselves and 276 children.. for me, jim jones's story is also close to home.
Az most of us know, this "modern day crud", or NEW_LIGHT waz started with that goof Miller 150 yrs. ago, same M.O.
When the faithfull climbed to the mountain top & awaited the end of the world,of course,when it didn't come, Miller got NEW-LIGHT & said he just got the year wrong....da-da-da-da- right on down to today & the Dubs are still at it. -
Jonestown and Watchtower Society--Similarities
by GinnyTosken inrecently in another thread, dannybear mentioned jim jones and the mass suicides at jonestown.
about two years ago when the issue of cults in france was a hot topic in ex-jw discussions, i became curious about jim jones and his followers.
i had seen the news reports and horrific footage, but i wanted to understand how a man could convince 638 of his adult followers to kill themselves and 276 children.. for me, jim jones's story is also close to home.
Ginny,yes, the "new-light" b/s iz a good litmus test for b/s of all sorts!
by moman innews flash!.
a worldwide phenomenon haz caused great concern among top aviarists.
the massing of unusually large populations of birds haz bird watchers everywhere puzzled.
A worldwide phenomenon haz caused great concern among top aviarists. The massing of unusually large populations of birds haz bird watchers everywhere puzzled.
"The birds seem to be populating beyond their food supply", said Professor Tom Turkey,'we are at a loss to explain it!'
There haz also been an increase in bird attacks on humans, with even the lowely sparrow spoiling for a fight. "these birds seem to be on a mission", said Dr. Hornbill, who haz called for a world summit on the matter.
One explanination haz been offered by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of N.Y., who point to God az the source. According to the beliefs of the Jehovaha's Witnesses, God will shortly destroy 99.99% of all humans on the earth that are not Jehovahas Witnesses. Pointing to the book of Revelation,whom they claim to have the only 'true understanding', they welcome the birds az a sign that God iz "getting hiz clean-up crew ready for a very large meal." When querried az to what the (non witnesses) can do to avoid this fate,Joe Rightous, a W.T. spokesman said,"Who cares, I'll own your house."
Stay tuned for more details!