I have had 2 relationships that after it was over I finally "saw" them, and thought, Wow they are really unattractive! Is that rude to admit? lol In the beginning of the relationship I was drawn to their personality or something else about them, can't really put my finger on it. "Love is blind" so they say
As Seeker, I am going to admit just a bit about myself as well. For a few years I would never even look at great looking guys, I never felt like I had a chance. Then I became comfortable in my own body, and mind, and felt confident with myself. After I shed my low self esteem, it appeared that I attracted many men. My looks did not change drastically, my attitude did. It could be that some men were attracted to me before and I never paid attention to it, I don't know. I really feel how a person carries themselves is important, and how they react to situations.
I guess this post can be put in the "I am thinking aloud again" category. lol
When I leave, you will know I have been here