I liked alot of those songs, true I did loose some of them, but with the magic of MP3's and downloads I do get my favorites back...
I liked also Dissindenten, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Siouxie and the Banshees, The Smiths that sort of music....
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session again.....you know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
I liked alot of those songs, true I did loose some of them, but with the magic of MP3's and downloads I do get my favorites back...
I liked also Dissindenten, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Siouxie and the Banshees, The Smiths that sort of music....
going from board to board i notice how certain people who post will be so different on other board, while some don't change their style.. do you change your personality or style when you post on other boards and try to fit in and be accepted there, or do remain yourself no matter where you post?
I try too to be the same and I do keep the same handle too so all those borg spies can spot me huhaaah
do you know anyone that actually makes food like this???
lol .
And look its a happy dub family:
have any "faders" ever accidentally "outed" themselves by signing their real name to a post?
i'm really paranoid about that, and often go back and recheck my posts to see if it says "odrade.".
Mine well its Terry And no cheesey WTS nametags please........
So if I married Jess my name would be Stacy Lacey.
Hahaha that made me laugh, but no one here would dare watch pornos
wohoo !!.
just saw this: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/skilled/notice-passmark.html.
revised pass mark for skilled worker applicants.
Well in french the F-word is a seal (foque) funny language huh
do you know anyone that actually makes food like this???
lol .
I all of a sudden feel sick, really this is too funny I was cracking up since I'm at work now and everyone in the room is looking at me , they think I'm going nuts....
i just found out that my boss at my new job is a jw!!!
earlier today i walked into his office to ask him a quick question?
the nwt and wt on his desk.
Boy thats really unluck to have yourn boss as a dub, I know that at my work there were a few dubs, I tried to keep it secret, the problem was that I was seen by one of them at an assembly and the word got out. They were always on my case for not letting the other co-workers know that I was a JW at the time, now that I'm DA'd they run away practically, and they even tried to make me look bad in front of other non-JW workers. One of them even phoned my ex-wife to check up on me while I was seperated to get more information on me and my status as a dub.
another watch tower teaching that could shorty cause the society a serious problem is the great multitude of 1932 / 1935.if the great tribulation fails to occur reasonably soon,this too could bring about a major change, i.e generation teaching,while the two teachings may appear to be linked,the dates are almost twenty years apart in application,i.e.
1914 --1932 / 35.. the great multitude of 1932 / 35 who stood up to be identified are well into their late 70's ,early 80's at this time,2003.just as the long standing "this generation" has been reinterpreted,perhaps a new doctrinal reinterpretation of the great multitude will be made, adversely affecting untold numbers of potential ones who will come out of "the great tribulation"as "the great mutitude "of survivors.. i know that the society is trying to put off these teachings,"this generation,"the great tribulation" "the great multitude" and "armageddon" into the indefinite future,however life goes on,people grow old and die.so, how long can they keep this up.. my guess is that the winds of internal turmoil will get stronger,the near future will be telling as members of the great multitude die off.as they see another hoped for fulfillment die off along with them.
blueblades,who has felt the effects of these things too.what are your thoughts?.
Ok I guess they will have some bullsh*it watchtower article to study with some sort of new light again to try to keep as many dubs in the so called truth.
two weeks ago on a monday afternoon our house was broken into and we were robbed.
the theives took all of tink's jewelry she owned and some of mine as well.
she was wearing her wedding ring at the time but everything else is gone.
That stinks, happend to me years back it makes you feel like your private life was raped of you.
for background to the story, read here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/12927/1.ashx.
ok. witness lucy decided to invite estranged non-witness husband ray out for a few drinks last friday evening to the lamb inn, high street, worle.. well, ray was quite pleased, after all, although he and dub lucy are no longer living together, there can be the odd sparkle of you-know-what between them, so he assumed that a boozy and romantic evening was on the cards.. unfortunately, they both got absolutely pie-eyed and decided that "tonight was not the night" and booked seperate taxi's to their seperate homes.
ray got into his taxi and lucy got into hers.. but!
They will change her name from Sausage to Boozer, DA'd boozer that is...