JoinedTopics Started by momoftwo
My Christmas letter to the Governing Body
by Mindchild insubj: mindchilds christmas letter to the gb.
dear members of the governing booty and all the rest of you anointed guys:.
listen you fat little trolls, i've been helping you out every year, by helping to clean up the messes you have been making in peoples lives, to encourage people to get over the great pain they have when they realized how badly you screwed them over and now i have to put up with lots of angry ex-dubs at my favorite online watering hole who havent learned to release their pain yet, and they are just making for one too many unhappy flame wars...i hate to break it to you gb boys, but it's definitely payback time!
'The Assembly days'
by jolly_green_giant inremember going to the 3 day assembly every summer, sitting for numerous exhausting hours on end?
those were tough on me especially when i was really young and wasn't supposed to be roaming the convention center while the talks were being given.
i couldn't beleive those pricks with the "please be seated" sings.
JW sense of Bro-hood.....*sigh wistfully*
by ashitaka inmy sister's future in-laws are threatening that no one will come to their wedding if they don't have it in the kingdom hall.. (we're the reason they can't have it in the hall.
the soon-to-be newlyweds want us to be in the wedding, plus we're shelling out some major cash for it.).
don't you just love the jw sense of brotherhood?
by LB ini'm new here and i'm certain this topic has been discussed in the past so please forgive me for bringing it up.
i've been inactive for about 3 years now and at this time would like to disassociate myself as i do plan to celebrate holidays and such.
so i think it is to my advantage to da myself before i get dfed.
Aaaah, Sweet Gossip
by mindfield ingossip is nothing new... we hear it everywhere, at work, with friends, even on this message board.
it's nothing special, and it will stay with humanity for a long, long time, if not forever.. however, if one claims to be in god's only organization on earth, part of god's plan for a *paradise earth*, then one must therefore be free of such *petty* things as gossip.
at least that's what the gb says, right?.
Witness pick-up lines
by momoftwo indid you know that i was interested in you?
"i'm not interested".
"if you mean that you're not interested in having another boyfriend, i can understand that.
Sad and Rejected, I'm Now despondent
by TR inunfortunately, your recent registration application at the wol db has been declined.. we are located at:
the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I need advice
by AMarie inhey everybody:.
i am in desperate need of advice and i was wondering if any of you could help me out.
i'm in a bit of a pickle.. here's the story:.
The BESTEST present ever! (NOT)
by LDH inafter reading a few threads regarding the upcoming christmas season, i thought i'd post a funny story, and ask you to add to it.. if you've ever received a wacky present, or one you had to pretend that you liked, please post it.. about 5 years ago, when i first started celebrating christmas with hubby, i got a real shocker of a present.
a deep fryer.. now, hubby was *very* proud of himself.
you see, about three months prior to christmas we were going through costco (warehouse type store) when i noticed they had a nice little deep fryer.