1969 was an exciting year for JW's. World events were playing into our fantasies. I was 21 years old and stupid as the rest of them. I got married that year. Fortunately, my JW elder high school-dropout husband had a skilled trade and was much better off than most of the others in our congregation.
When 1975 came and went, I had a nervous breakdown or something like that. I'm not a mental health professional. All I know is that I almost wrecked the car several times, succeeded at it once, cried constantly, was an insomniac, and finally turned catatonic. I decided that I had to prepare for life "just in case" I might grow old in this system of things. My husband took everything personally. I got money from family members to go back to school (college) part-time. Of course, I was looked upon with suspicion and derided by elders.
So I left my relatively comfortable life and moved to the other end of the country. My JW husband divorced me and pressured me to "confess to adultery" so that he could remarry. There was no concern evident for my "spiritual well-being." I almost caved to get him off my back, but I didn't, as there was no reason to.
Eventually, I remarried, and my second husband helped me finish college.
I am so thankful that I was young enough to start over. So many weren't.