Be sure your kids have some fun. They have to go to meetings, but you can counterbalance that by taking them to the park or other activities kids like. The next time you don't go to KH on a Sunday morning, while the family is at the meeting, pack a picnic lunch or go to a sandwich shop or fried chickien place and buy one. Then when everybody gets home, take them to the park, then play some games, then go for ice cream or whatever they like. You might invite some of their friends to go along, too. It might have to be school friends if the dubs won't let their kids come around you.
Don't get dragged down by panic or the seriousness of the situation. Show your kids that you have their best interests at heart. Ask them if they need help with their homework. Teach them things like how to use a compass by hiding a "treasure" and using the compass to find it. Get them some music they like and dance with them.
Keep it light and fun. Show your kids that life is not all serious or doom and gloom.