Congratulations? What are their names? How much did they weigh? Can you post some pictures? I love babies!
Posts by Mum
Great News!
by haboob48 inwell i do not post here very much and usually what i have to say........well...isn't that important!
but......i am the proud grandmother of twin girls as of august 10!
i am so proud of my daughter, who is 25, just gave birth to twin painkillers........nothing!
I was a slave to a cult
by Django_Unchained inthe cuffs are still on,.
but the chains have been broken.. i can move independently, though the going is tough.. finally on my way to freedom.. -django.
ps...kinda want revenge....
Welcome, Django. It feels good to be free, eh?
Living well is the best revenge. Figure out what you want to do, do it, and don't look back.
Forget, to the extent possible, the JW experience, but don't forget what you learned from it.
Best wishes for a fulfilling and happy future!
Christmas is a time for families to be together and show the spirit of love and caring. I was not a JW child, and I loved Christmas! I still do.
I understand your frustration with it because of all the work and preparation a lot of people get into. All of that is not necessary. If you don't want a tree and don't want to decorate it, there's nothing wrong with that. Just tell the family you are inexperienced and don't know how.
Gifts do not have to be extravagant either. I usually give homemade gifts. People always will need food, so food is a great gift. I read an article about a woman who cooked dinner for the entire family as her gift. I do not spend a lot of money on gifts if I buy them. I find things on sale all year round and put them in a box, and start wrapping in November.
Relax and enjoy the holiday. If you don't want to attach religious significance to it, that is certainly acceptable as well. Make it fun and not stressful.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming holidays, whether or not you do anything special to celebrate.
by Iamallcool ini have been taking lecithin 1200 mg daily but i am wondering if i should take blood test to find out how much i can take lecithin safely daily?
i am not sure where to go for blood test.
any suggestions?.
I used to take 1200 mg of lecithin daily. There were no ill effects. When I was taking the lecithin, my body was better proportioned. It emulsifies fat.
Fading hurts so much!!
by ILoveTTATT inyet another update on my story:.
for various reasons, i still have to go to all meetings.
(i am looking to change my personal circumstances to allow me to live somewhere else so i can fade easier)... i actually don't mind going to the mid-week meeting since i can comment on the bible reading, and slowly but surely i can introduce little seeds of cognitive dissonance... making it seem like i am super interested in what the interlinear says or that people can actually go and check out the manuscripts for themselves online!
I like your idea of moving. It worked well for me. No one was knocking at my door or bothering me in any way. Life was paradise!
Hang in there. It gets easier as time goes on.
Active Witness Reading Combatting Cult Mind Control
by BU2B ini have gotten a thought about how to wake active witnesses up.
since the book does not mention jws specifically, if you could get a active jw to read ccmc, what do you think their reaction would be?
could they clearly see how jws fit in as a cult?, or would the average jw be blinded to the obvious and just see how other groups like mormons, moonies, scientology, etc fit the mold?
I agree that it's worth a try. When I was a dub, I remember a discussion with a Bible student about patriotism. Pretending to agree with me, he said something like, "Yes, the U.S. is only 200 years old, but they're the best!" I immediately felt a twinge because I knew he was really talking about the religion and hoped I'd make the connection.
Lots of people said things to me that made me uncomfortable. That's how we learn.
Best wishes with your dad.
Well I gotta go......
by punkofnice in...i might drop in every now and then but i hope you all enjoy life, escape the watchtower(r) and live prosperous lives.. i can't say i contribute much here anyway (and i'm not attention seeking).. i'm just going to get on with life away from the constant reminder of the mistakes i made being a jw zombie drone.. i guess i'm just going to fade.......rather quickly.. of course i didn't need to make any posts here to disappear but i thought it'd be polite and very british to bid you all a fond farewell.. see you all sometime.....maybe.....maybe not.....maybe....... bye!.
don't pm me as i won't be checking the pms.. .
I have appreciated your astute observations about JW life. I understand your desire to distance yourself from anything WT-related.
All the best!
Hi, Im new (kind of)
by geek inhi, i was here years ago but havnt been around for maybe 7 or 8 years.
i was brought up as a jw, my mum still is, ive studied and studied over the years but have never been baptized and have always had nagging doubts.. ive been trying to talk to my mum and her husband about my doubts but its like they dont understand what im saying, my mum's husband jumps from one topic to the next, throwing point after point at me and doesnt listen to any of the answers i give him.. for instance this week i told him that i doubt the bible because when it talks about the last days it fails to mention the ice caps melting or about the technology we now have but talks about wars etc that mankind has always known.
i just get the same answer from him everytime "it cant mention everything or the bible would be a mile long".
Welcome back!
Don't worry about what others think or don't understand. Live your life as you see fit, and let others do the same.
Going To Other Churches
by Cold Steel inokay, what happens when a congregation member, a relatively new convert, approaches an elder and says, "hey, jim.
just wanted to let you know that i'm going to have to leave today's meeting as soon as it breaks....".
"really," says jim.
JW's advocate liberal views. Their own views are rock hard conservative.
JW's advocate freedom of religiion. They do not allow their members the option of considering fair play with another religion.
Lookout western Christianity - here comes the Chinese
by fulltimestudent inthe material i've studied about early christianity leads to the conclusion that what passes for modern christianity is the result of luck.
ideas required support, so who was lucky enough to get the numbers at a conference?
(often dependent on who could get there).
A fact cannot be wrong. A fact is what is, indisputably. Maybe there was an allegation that something you said was wrong.