April, it is clear that you do not value yourself. What your father, then your mother, did to you is inexcusable. Don't judge yourself or treat yourself the way you do because of your parents. You are a wonderful person, and not like them.
Please learn to value yourself enough not to let others take advantage of you. Marilyn French said that life rewards you for pleasure and punishes you for pain. You are a prime example of the latter part of that sentence. But you need to do something about it. What kind of life do you want? Do you even know? A counselor might be able to help you set goals for yourself, then steps to reach those goals.
Are you prepared for the heavy burdens of being a JW again? Do you want to always be reading their self-aggrandizing literature? Do you want to obey, even if it hurts you or others, and makes no sense? Do you want to go in field service to try to convert others to a religion you don't even believe in? Do you want to be criticized for what you wear, what kind of entertainment you choose, who your friends are, and such nonsense. You have earned the right to make your own decisions and live in freedom. I hope you won't give up the freedom and potential you have to make a goode life for yourself.
What do you like to do, or what would you like to learn? Knitting, ceramics, jogging, walking, great books, making jewelry? It's all there for you if you will give it to yourself. Visit the public library and find some books on subjects that interest you, or just some good books to read for pleasure. Listen to self-help and motivational tapes. When I was a JW, I was complaining to a friend about what my husband would not allow me to do. Her reply was one I'll never forget. She said, "Sometimes you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps." I realized then that I was an adult living as though I were still a child.
You don't need anyone's permission to live your life your way. Decide what you want, and go after it!
I recommend Dr. Wayne Dyer's book Your Erroneous Zones to get you started. He gives you reason to not worry about what others think of you and has strategies for coping with negative emotions.
Best wishes for a happier life from here on out.