Who else but the WT could take a situation that would be ideal (except for the debt) and make it into a crisis. Here we have a healthy family with talent, intelligence, and educational opportunity! They are actually developing their talent and accepting reality. What a horror!
Posts by Mum
This new JW video is so stupid that it has to be a troll
by Pacopoolio inrecently, my mother, who had stopped talking to me because i was 'apostate,' started speaking to me again.. (note that i successfully faded as opposed to ever being disfellowshipped due to dodging every elder question with "i'm not sure, i'm still searching and trying to find the answers.").
the reason why?
at the international convention this year, they receieved a new video called something or other.
by The Searcher inthe introduction & conclusion to this video is in german, but david splanes' words are loud and clear in english - get your kid baptized asap!.
They need to put a couple of 6-year-olds on the GB to offer some insight and perspective.
You don't seem to be as happy anymore!?
by stuckinarut2 ini have been told by some in the cong that i don't seem to be as happy anymore..."what's wrong?
" they ask..... i feel like screaming out "i'm not happy because i'm going insane living a sham fake life stuck in the org pretending to be a good ms and witness!".
i really do feel it is taking a toll on me...and even the damn bros and sis are now seeing it!.
I agree with those who tell you that it is in your best interest to cut loose. It's one of the hardest things I ever did, but the most rewarding thing I ever did. I've been where you are - depressed and hopeless. If you need help to get away, PM me. Can you get a job in another part of the country and just leave? That's what I did, with the help of a cousin.
Just do it!
What prophecys made you belive the Bible?
by venting ini now believe the bible is a book of history and myths.
the org and others still point to certain prophecys that lead them to believe, that god must have been involved.
how can we explain some of these?
Both of my grandfathers were fundamentalist country preachers, uneducated but very good, decent, hardworking people. It never occurred to me NOT to believe every word in the Bible. It is only post-JW that I have doubts and conflicts about anything Biblical. Bill Maher is my current "religulous" instructor.
Two well dressed young men came knocking
by Hairtrigger inhere's my experience in the last 15 minutes.
it's about 6 p.m and i'm home alone watching tv when someone knocks loudly on the door.
i open and there, like an apparation, stand two of j smith's disciples -smart looking , well dressed ( they used to wear black ties only a few years ago) clean cut.. i inform them that i'm an ex-j witness and they are quiet for a moment.
Thanks, Snakes.
I used to think that 7 million JWs was a large number
by dogon inthen i saw a stat that made me think differently.
there are 7 million practicing voodoo religion world wide.
about the same as jws, and the big thing is that they do not at all go out and try to convert people at all, not one pamphlet not one tract no door to door calls, phone calls nothing nada.
When I became a publisher in April of 1963, there was a new peak of one million publishers. So the org has increased significantly since then. If not for access to information, there would probably be more than 8 million.
If you were on your death bed, what is the ONE thing you would say you have learnt ?
by new hope and happiness ini think i would say " you can not change others you can only change your self" .
if you cant think of anything what is the next number in this sequence?.
what do these sums have in common?.
Always have a Plan B, as matters rarely work out as planned. Know when to let go.
'The Compound' is coming on nicely...
by snare&racket inwarwick precursory site work on the watchtower bible and tract society's 45-acre jehovahs witnesses world headquarters project in sterling forest has been completed, meaning construction of the planned eight-building complex on long meadow road along the warwick-tuxedo town line is poised to begin in earnest.. the warwick town board on june 12 agreed to reduce watchtower's town-mandated $33.103 million performance bond by a third to signify the completion of approximately one-third of the project.. .
bond reduction totals $11.114 million.
watchtower bible and tract society of new york associate general counsel richard moake and spokesman david c. day, a newfoundland attorney who has represented jehovah witness clients in significant canadian religious freedom rulings, said the $11.114 million bond reduction means preliminary site work has been completed and inspected.. .
Billy: I think the WT location in Brooklyn is now seen as a liability, as there have been many protests staged there by ex-JW's. Years ago, I went to Englsnd to participate in a Silentlambs march. There was no march,but just two Americans appearing on behalf of the molested children. The headquarters were in an isolated spot, and there were no sidewalks around it, so it would not have been a great venue for a march of any kind. IMHO, I think they know that it will be much harder for "apostates" or any kind of protestors to draw much attention at the new compound.
Two well dressed young men came knocking
by Hairtrigger inhere's my experience in the last 15 minutes.
it's about 6 p.m and i'm home alone watching tv when someone knocks loudly on the door.
i open and there, like an apparation, stand two of j smith's disciples -smart looking , well dressed ( they used to wear black ties only a few years ago) clean cut.. i inform them that i'm an ex-j witness and they are quiet for a moment.
It's easy for me to understand why a man would be a Mormon (or a Muslim, for that matter), but I cannot fathom why any woman would subject herself to the circumscribed life of these religions.
I have read two books by former Mormon women, one called Secret Ceremonies by Deborah ---- (I forgot her last name) in which she describes her temple wedding, subsequent divorce remarriage, second divorce, stay in a mental hospital, etc. The other one (I have forgotten the title) was written by Sonia Johnson in the 1970's. Sonia Johnson left the church and became a feminist after her ordeal, an ordeal very similar to what JW's go through in the disfellowshipping process. The horror of her story is that some of the men (yes, only men!) interrogating her were government officials and other kinds of powerful narcissists.
Oh, the joys of having no master!
received text from my mom
by GoUnion inso my wife and my parents are at their convention today.
this will be the first time in my life that i will not have seen a drama or baptism.
i will miss the public address, i will not see many of my lifelong friends that i have moved away from.
If you want to be brutally honest, ask your mom why their "love" for you is conditioned on obedience to a bunch of control freaks you've never met (I assume). Tell her you love her no matter what. Why did the WTS redefine "love" for only their members? Tell her you're not "throwing away" anything, but as ADCMS said, they would be throwing you away.
Make some new friends. Take a class. Jon a gym. Start your own life with no master. If that's what you want, that is.