Your post reminds me of a guy I saw on 60 Minutes (an American "magazine" show, for those who don't know about it) who had been a 4th-generation prisoner in N. Korea. He had grown up in the prison and had no concept of life in the outside world. Even after years of freedom, he still could not understand the concepts of "love" or "romance."
This poor, deluded man actually turned in two family members for breaking rules, and those family members were executed. He stated that he really thought they deserved to die at the time because he had no other frame of reference.
Being in a closed society, cutting yourself off from regular, non-brainwashed human beings, and being required to turn others in just to survive, do not create healthy, happy human beings. Even though it's painful for you right now, it is a blessing to have a different perspective when attending the brainwashing sessions. Knowledge is power. I hope you will find the strength to break free.
Best wishes for a happier future!