I'd confided in an elder that I was struggling to budget our very limited income.
You weren't read your rights, either: 'Everything you say WILL be used against you' (forget the 'can and WILL BE': they go straight to WILL BE)
I even rated a local needs talk (my finest hour)!
A success story; just made me think: I left before "Local Needs Talks".
I was once counseled for having a Stephen King book in my house.
I got a Shepherding Call (special trip, just for that reason) for subscribing to Analog: Science Fiction, Science Fact. Thinking back, I'm wondering who ratted me out...
I got another Shepherding Call for going to night school.
These days, that would cost lots of gasoline; a "green congo" would probably have a "Local Needs Talk" about consolidating your evildoing so that the Elders didn't have to make two trips!!!
slight difference between my garage band and a world-touring chart-topping iconic rock group.....
you too can still push pianos out of hotel windows, into the pool: you just need to pay for everything and yell 'Look out, below"; the difference is that your agent would pay the bills or you would have to pay them yourself
Rebel, all the stuff you mentioned was hyper 'over the top', but not unusual; screw the micromanaging, its a bit too much.
My father gave me hell over many things, mostly meetings, service and such: I was about to tell him that if he wanted to run my life, I would sit back and let him do it for me; and if he screwed up, his ass was grass. I just quit talking to him.
The last year or so that I showed up, I rode a motorcycle, cowboy boots, Army jacket and such to the KH. An aspiring MS threatened me on the sly: not counseled, THREATENED ME. I just smiled: I was moving on.