You know, it only serves to invalidate us further when we clasp to every article that makes the witnesses look bad. It is, in my opinion, ridiculous to point to an isolated case of obvious mental imbalance and paint an entire organization with the crazy brush. We have little enough credibility as it is people. Let's not grasp at straws.
JoinedPosts by Naeblis
Oh ewwwwww
by LovesDubs insuspect in alaskan school stabbings ignores judge.
anchorage, alaska, may 8 (reuters) - a man arrested for allegedly slashing the throats of four anchorage children outside their school refused to answer a judge's questions at a court hearing on tuesday, then urged onlookers to kill themselves and their children.
jason pritchard, 33, was arraigned in state superior court on four charges of attempted murder and four charges of first-degree assault.
Disfellowshipping Ain't My Problem!
by Englishman inif you're a disfellowshipped jw, and you find yourself in conversation with a jw who is unaware of your status, should you tell him/her that you are df'd?.
to admit to being df'd simply enables the other person in continuing along with their mistaken and unscriptural beliefs, rather like you going out and buying a bottle of whisky for an alcoholic.. df'ing is their problem - don't make it yours!.
I nevr shy away from anyone, inf act I usually go up and talk to people I see :P I'm not df'd yet but some people treat me as if I am. I was doing a little part time serving at a restaurant a few months ago and I got a JW couple from my old hall at one of my tables. Oh my god that was fun :) Ever see someone try to order without looking at you? Mumbled thank you's? Furtive glances around the restaurant. Oh god, it made my night. :)
Just read 1984. I'm sure it's bean beaten to death, but besides being an excellent book, the similarities between the "Party" and the Witnesses is alarming. Anyways, if you haven't read it you should. Not because of the similarites but because it really is a fantastic book.
Evolutionists having to fight for the theory.....
by Deacon inevolutionists battle new theory on creation.
by james glanz.
salvatore c. dimarco jr. for the new york times .
Eminem and censorship
by Uni girl inwhen my son came home from the meeting, he told me that they were told not to listen to eminem because (in his words) he's bad.. i can not stomach the kind of censorship that is put upon people...aren't these things a personal choice or at least a parents choice.
by censoring everything they make a child go behind their parents back and close the line of communcation which could result in some real harm.
i listened to eminem with my son and whilst some of the things are very offensive it was quite clear to me that although he was talking in the first person, he was actually expressing what he thought societal problems were,(no one think bob marley actually son the sheriff do they??).
Believe it or not some of the rhyming schemes in Eminem's songs are rather complex. I bet your father thought the Beatles were "crap" too. Nice to see history repeats itself. Hate Eminem all you want, but don't make your wide brush strokes of opinion until you know what you are talking about. YOu people are so conditioned by the media it can't be anything else but amusing. Open your eyes, open your ears, and leave your judging back in the watchtower where you (supposedly) left it.
Eminem and censorship
by Uni girl inwhen my son came home from the meeting, he told me that they were told not to listen to eminem because (in his words) he's bad.. i can not stomach the kind of censorship that is put upon people...aren't these things a personal choice or at least a parents choice.
by censoring everything they make a child go behind their parents back and close the line of communcation which could result in some real harm.
i listened to eminem with my son and whilst some of the things are very offensive it was quite clear to me that although he was talking in the first person, he was actually expressing what he thought societal problems were,(no one think bob marley actually son the sheriff do they??).
Eminem is a lyrical genius. There is nothing that exists in the realm of "words" that should be offensive to intellignet people. NOthing should be censored. Censorship is the true evil. I pity you.
Question for gay people
by expatbrit inthe question is about the term "tolerance" or "tolerating".. when someone says something along the lines of "i'm very tolerant of gay people" or "gay people should be tolerated", how do you feel?.
the reason i ask is this: doesn't the concept of tolerating something imply a background negative?
for instance, i can say "i tolerate my brother-in-law".
People who "tolerate" gay people are merely bigots hiding behind political correctness.
Yes..many meetings were spent in a caffeine induced euphoria. My legs vibrated and bounced with the strength of many men. For two hours every thursday I was a god.
by LDH ini am preggers.. just left the doctor's office and my hubby's office.
i dropped the little plastic thing-a-ma-jig off, and he said, "what's this?
are you pregnant?!?!?!?".
You're a girl??????? Heh. Congrats.
Caffeine pills
ride my mouthful of water
eyes widen
and blood hums
the clock is now
tick tick ticking my name
as if to say
"You are as much a prisoner,
as I am"