Samson and I went to public school together. once he bet Mickey O'Malley, one of the other boys, that he couldn't stand on his head for 20 minutes. When Mickey did it, samson tied jack knives to the tails of 90 mice and let them loose in the cafeteria. He showed us all.
JoinedPosts by Naeblis
Things That Make You Go Hhmmm. . .Samson
by dark clouds infor a long time i have thought about yahweh, and the kind of deity that he was.
leader, savior, protector of the israelites, quick to strike down anyone who dared oppose him.
his compassion seemed to be masked beneath his jealous nature, but he had his reason and it was for "spiritual cleanliness".
So What Tipped You Out, Then?
by Englishman incan you remember that distinct moment in your life when you suddenly knew that your time as a jw was truly over?.
for me, that moment came several years after the removal of my privileges in the congregation when i admitted to having known my then fiance in a way that was not fitting for a ministerial servant.. i was quickly stripped of my 2 servants jobs, group study conducting, pioneer status, public talk giving and praying in the kh.
i was also forbidden to ever be alone with the lady concerned.. about 15 months later i was assigned a public talk, after 30 minutes i dried up.
I was sitting on good ole Sammy (my toilet) and I picked up a song book that was on the shelf. I opened it up..looked through it and then realized I'd never have to sing these childish, badly written "songs" again. I laughed for 10 minutes, wiped, washed my hands and never looked back.
Did Snakes have Legs? Yes/No
by Thirdson ini managed to find a piece i wrote last year and subsequently lost.
thanks to the archiving efforts of a very good person i have managed to get it back.
thinking about some posts here recently regarding the genesis account of the fall of man, i recalled a conversation with a friend a few years back.
I had a pet snake that had two legs. I named him Jimmy and we would run every morning in the hazy glow of the sunrise. He died when he tried to outrun a truck and meandered in its way. Sometimes I still wake up screaming his name.
Family Ties
by somebody inanother lie told to the media/public on the jw-medai site.. do you shun former members?.
those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned.
in compliance with the scriptures, however, members can be expelled for serious unchristian conduct, such as stealing, drunkenness, or adultery, if they do not repent and cease such actions.
I loved the show Family Ties. Alex.P.Keaton was simply divine. I often yearned for his business sense and fashion savvy.
I dip my toes in the marmalade of your wisdom and paint a canvas of colour with my feet. You have inspired this. This is all you. You're a beautiful person.
Re: Silly Apostate Reasoning On Blood - Really.
by waiting inin reality, whoever you are, the game's getting old.
too many new posts in too short of a time.
hopefully, no one's as ignorant as you present yourself.. if you ever decide to actually contribute to a discussion instead of instant negativity or stupidity, count me in.. until then - the term "troll" seems aptly applied to "danielle.".
Like you would be anywhere NEAR enough inelligent to deal in politics Fred. Go back to your "English as a second language"
course and stop bothering us. :) :) :) :) -
New H2o-up and running......
by ISP inheres a link.. .
Fred...werent you going to bed?? Can't even get THAT time prediction right eh??? *grin*
"Pride Goeth Before Destruction"
by Scorpion inpoems of dawn: page 299. a king in procession had come to the town,.
riding an ass that was playing the clown:.
for as people hailed and saluted their king.
*grin* Hey Fred. Don't forget to take your panties off before you go to bed :) :) :) :) :)
Re: I Am Leaving The Building Now; But I Shall ...
by eyes_opened inoh lord, she's leaving us with homework!.
"one persons heresy is anothers truth"
For the love of god people she's so transparant she befcomes a charicature....tell me that noone is taking Fred seriously :P
Helping the Depressed Souls
by ISP inalthough christians as a whole rejoice in the lord, some among them suffer various forms of depression.
(philippians 4:4) severe mental depression is a serious emotional disorder that has even led to suicide.
at times, brain chemistry and other physical factors are involved.
I am in a hurry but I promise to read this later.