I bet a lot of inactive ones go just to keep family off their backs. To a JW - if you attend the annual "eat Jesus night" then there is some hope for you 'returning to the truth' yet. So I bet a lot go just to satisfy family. Others may go that are still mentally trapped thinking it's the 'truth' but they are 'too bad of a person' to live by it - so they go to the memorial to hedge their bets.
JoinedPosts by NameWithheld
Memorial Scrabbling
by Demitrius inwell they are scabbling around to find as many people to attend the memorial again this year.. i walked out 3.5 years ago and have not heard anything since from the elders.
i have one that lives about 50 metres away and he is one that has not even telephoned me in all that time.
.. just the other night he turns up on my door step and hands me the usual invite!
Did you Believe
by WildTurkey inas an active jw, did you really ever believe that you would survive armageddon?
with me, i served as an elder, regular pioneer, was over the book room at district conventions, but i always felt it was not enough, i was never real sure i would survive the big day of god almighty!!
the reason i ask y'all is, i don't think you can feel real sure in a organization that is legalistic and work orientated .
Every time I 'abused' myself I knew I was a goner. This is one of the core reasons the WTBTS has such a strong hold on people is the massive guilt that's placed upon them. I'd safely bet that almost 100% of JWs feel 'not worthy' most of the time.
Do MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE is the mantra at every meeting.
Purelanguage.net: Hijinks
by slipnslidemaster inboy, i don't even have to try to find this stuff.
i just pick threads at random and dig up gems.. http://www.purelanguage.net/forums/showthread.php?s=b76d30d2c7f38d3e0ba58ebd7bf62985&threadid=1352.
here are some of the highlights:.
Our speaker from Bethel told us that something big is coming from the apostates in the next few weeks, something is afoot. Also to prepare for outright persecution in the United States, as well as elsewhere.
Ha ha! 'Apostates' creating something 'big'. They (JWs) probably think it's some big scary mean apsostate dudde that's going to crash in their KH doors and carte them to jail - when it's just a little itsy-bitsy Dateline program re: internal WTBTS policy. Policy the WTBTS could change at any time!
BOE Letter
by Simon inemailed to me by doinmypart:.
posted on a separate thread so the topic is more related.
Wow - did you get the part about sheparding 'sisters' - all that caution because 'weak sisters could form emotional/romatic attachments to Mr. Strong Elder'. Yea, like it would NEVER happen the other way - that Mr Strong Elder would never prey on Ms Weak Sister.
Struggling to keep balance
by Lee Elder indont overstate matters.
the situation in oregon is a terrible tragedy.
the watchtowers policy on shunning likely contributed to the tragedy, it may have even been a primary factor but there are any number of other factors that could have contributed as well - too many to even mention!.
Ditto - but I don't think anyone is claiming that the DF'ing is the only thing involved - but it's shortsighted to think that it wasn't a major factor. No, not everyone goes off the deep end and murders their family - but the WTBTS (and as far as it goes, many other fundimental religions) certainly enables the behavour.
And telling that there have been several of these type of cases recently.
JW Dogma May Promote Murder/Suicides
by Nathan Natas inin light of the recent murder/suicide involving the bryant family of mcminnville, oregon, and the murder (no suicide) by christian longo of his family in newport, oregon, i'm opening this thread in the hope of shedding some light on the way that jw dogma may encourage such behavior.. here is a link to an article in the oregonian discussing the bryant tragedy: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/front_page/10163697352835756.xml.
here's a small portion of the aricle:.
a man who feels hopeless and isolated, as robert bryant might have if family and church ties were severed, is at risk for suicide, said dr. james hancey, an assistant professor of psychiatry at oregon health and science university.
I very much agree - to a troubled mind already - the thought of future rewards of paradise could lead a person to want to 'save' his loved ones from the evil world. While I'd suspect he thought he was sacrificing his own 'eternal' life by suicide, he may have felt it was a noble self-sacrifice.
This sort of thing has happened in the past - more often then we realize, and not only w/ JWs. Though their extreme belief structure does seem to lend itself very nicely into this form of extreme breakdown.
Suicide bombers have great faith in future rewards of paradise too. A very clear demonstration of the power of belief. And belief's not always a good thing!
My Story - Trying to Enjoy Life.......
by Rip76 inmy name is mike.
i am from houston texas, and i am 29 years of age.
i've been reading these message boards for about a year now and i figured it was time to post my story... me: i was raised in the jw religion, and attended meetings until about age 12. i stopped attending after my grandmother passed away from cancer.
Or maybe Satan's trying to 'get you' while you're weak?
Why won't my friends help me?
by sleepy inwhy won't my friends help me?.
i had one letter about 9 months ago while i was still going to the meetings warning me about apostate tendancies.. then a phone call from another friend just after christmas telling me he couldn't see be any more.. this has been the extent of my former friends encouragement to get me to see the errror of my ways and come back to the fold.. none of these people see me any more.. none of these people have made any effort what so ever to get me back!.
i'm thinking of phoning some up and asking them "why?".
Wow YoYo is on rare form today!
Why love God?
by joelbear inshould we love god and have faith in him because we are afraid of being annihilated if we don't?.
should we love god so we can be paid for it by getting a "mansion in the sky" or everlasting life or some other reward payment?
Whatever - I no not of this 'pendulum' you speak of. All I see in history is the strong nations/groups capturing nearby nations/groups. Always has been. Maybe always will be? But the man vrs animal thing - true man is above animals (debatable!) but still man's world is a world of domination. If you think I'm wrong just try breaking one of your nations 'laws'. You WILL be dominated. Always has been.
And yes, we are part of the 'eat or be eaten' cycle. What did YOU eat for lunch?
To Mr. Bowen aka Silentlambs
by YoYoMama inhaving a hard time with dateline eh?.
i admire what you are trying to do in behalf of all those that have been sexually abused, but i believe you are going about it in the wrong way.. you have taken up a fight against jehovah himself and this is futile.
the organization has some flaws, as is expected of any imperfect organization.
I always understood that Jehovah STARTED with his own house.
So THAT's why the Catholic Church is the one in so much hot water right now then eh? God starting first in 'his house'? <evil sarcastic grin>