Yea, well at least polygamy, while not really acceptable in today's world, isn't killing people. I'm sure it's sometimes an abusive and weird arrangement - but again, it doesn't kill people. A bit of a difference there. But otherwise, I think you've hit upon a pretty good comparison. The blood thing is definitly something that's haunting Crooklyn right now. I wish I could tell my mother 'new light' is coming on it - I'd love to 'predict' something about the JWs and be right - proving myself to be 100% more reliable than the JW predictions
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JW's blood as to Mormon's polygamy
by Moxy ini think in time, the blood transfusion doctrine will fade away very similarly to mormon's polygamy doctrine.
the doctrine met with increasing legal pressure from the state and internal dissent from more liberal members.
the tide seems to have turned after the doctrine was about 50 or 60 years old (i am using 1830s as origin date) and from about 1900 on, the lds church no longer offically sanctioned the belief.
KM article "How Will They Hear?"
by DB inperhaps this topic has already been addressed, but at last night's service meeting we discussed an article in the kingdom ministry (jan 2001) called "how will they hear?".
it dealt with the fact that there are perhaps billions worlwide who have not yet been witnessed to.
the articel mentioned that the jws "trust in jehovah" (i guess its always the case when they have no answers) that those people, mostly concentrated in asia (especially china and the sub-continent) will have their hearts read by god and that he will know who are righteous and who are not.
Joel, I absolutely agree - I have yet to speak to ONE person 'in the world' who has any idea what JW's teach. Most of them, if they even are aware of them, think they're just a weird group that goes around trying to 'sell' their religion to people.
And it's getting worse - the JWs love to brag about how many hours they spend preaching each year - but we who were part of that 'vast preaching effort' know just exactly how accurately those hours are reported. Hours are stretched, time's wasted, etc. I have yet to see one JW doing door to door in my town in the past 3 years. And I live in a very populated area with a KH about 1/2 mile away. Maybe that's why - they hate to get to the territory so fast - they always look for those far away territories so it takes longer to drive to them.
For every one JW that's converted - how many more babies are born? This 'preaching' work will NEVER be complete. So why bother? Besides, if god's just going to read the hearts of all those people anyway, again, why the *&%*^ are JWs knocking on doors?
Why Do JW Leave and Want Nothing to Do With God
by castlelover ini find reading this information from different individuals that being a jw and then leaving has people not wanting anything to do with god.
did god tell us to become members of a cult?
i think it is a form of programming that is given over and over that we would be like a dog returning to its vomit.
Why oh why must the religious always assume that those of us who have researched and concluded that there is no compelling reason to believe in the whole religious sham are so sad? I for one think it takes more strength and 'faith' (in humanity itself) to come out from under the belief that someday a big sky daddy (or momma) is going to come down and fix eveything for us. Perhaps that's one reason the world has been run as it has - most feel they don't need to worry about what they do to the earth since a) they're going to heaven, or b) god will fix it.
Don't you religious types feel bad for us who have freed ourselves from religions bondage!
I don't need the approval of some fictitous sky daddy to make my life seem fulfilled - or to 'answer' those impossible questions for me. Funny how god's 'answers' to those tricky questions always seem to come from a human after all huh? Religion and all it's books were all created by humans.
Are you a true apostate?
by sleepy inare you a true apostate?.
heres a test that has been put together by the worlds top scientists to determine your true level of apostateness.. you recieve the latest watchtower and awake do you,.
a.devour its contents eagerly.. b.have a look to find the errors.. c.throw it in the bin.. d.cover it in petrol, set light to it and dance around praising satan.. how do yo feel about the elders ?.
The outline for last weeks Blood Card talk
by Kent inoutline for service meeting: benefiting from kind provisions .
take a look at:
this is the latest "new light", and this subject has been discussed all over the board, i've heard.. instead of claiming all and everything, i feel it's much better to produce evidence to what the rules really are - and then the jw apologists can simply shut up and accept facts.. i will be interested in comments.. yachyd da.
<Posted in other thread as well>
Sorry Sexy - that "Opps we made a printing error" doesn't sit to well with me either. Ask yourself, doesn't the text always remain about the same year to year. If it didn't this year, why not? "New light"? "Light" they decided to "turn off" (at least for a bit). The final questionable item is the print date 6/01. You're saying that they printed enough cards to mail to all the congos 6 months in advance yet failed to find a 'printing error' until 2 weeks before the distribution? I hardly think so. If that were true they need to fire the 'editor' of the blood cards.
Sexy, you can't pull the typical JW 'ignore the man behind the curtain' reasoning on people on this board. Unlike most JWs, people here actually question what they are told and examine the facts/rumors for themselves.
Blood cards - before screaming too loudly,
by TheOldHippie inkeep in mind that the blood cards are produced and circulated in all other countries worldwide.
if they are not so in the us, please do not scream too loudly that major changes are occuring etc., because this has got to be some local us thing, if it is true what you say that they are not renewed in the us.
Sorry Sexy - that "Opps we made a printing error" doesn't sit to well with me either. Ask yourself, doesn't the text always remain about the same year to year. If it didn't this year, why not? "New light"? "Light" they decided to "turn off" (at least for a bit). The final questionable item is the print date 6/01. You're saying that they printed enough cards to mail to all the congos 6 months in advance yet failed to find a 'printing error' until 2 weeks before the distribution? I hardly think so. If that were true they need to fire the 'editor' of the blood cards.
Sexy, you can't pull the typical JW 'ignore the man behind the curtain' reasoning on people on this board. Unlike most JWs, people here actually question what they are told and examine the facts/rumors for themselves.
Quality of this Forum
by stevieb1 injust a quick thought - i am a firm believer in freedom of speech etc, but having been on this forum for some time i honestly can't say that i can introduce a doubting jw interested in true christianity to this board.
some of the deep discussions on jw doctrine are excellent, but everything else seems to be nonsense in my opinion.
why can't this site be more like the old which seemed to have more spiritual meat rather than backbiting, gossip, and rumour and even obscenity.. sorry for my frank opinion
"In this thread I have presented what I consider to be very strong evidence"
Exactly. What you consider. Well, Mr Muslum doesn't buy your evidence, he thinks Allah created the world. The Greeks thought Zues (or who knows who) was responsible. Your 'evidence' is as weighty as their's was/is. In other words, I don't buy it. You're side-stepping the issue of the fact that your 'god' was created in your mind based on where you happened to be born. I can tell you with 99% assurance had you been born in the heart of Islam you would right now be defending Allah as staunchly as you are defending 'god' now. So again, what makes you so right, and the Muslums/Buhdist/etc so wrong? 'Cause your bible says so?
Is there a burning hell???
by sadiejive ini'm just curious what everyone's view of hell is.
i know that most of you were at one time jws and i was wondering if you still held to the no-hell doctrine or if you had found scriptural reasons to believe otherwise.
if the latter applies, would you be so kind as to share the scriptures that have enlightened you?.
Well, I was watching South Park, and they clearly showed Satan (and Sadam Hussien) in a burning hell, so I imagine it must be true!
Quality of this Forum
by stevieb1 injust a quick thought - i am a firm believer in freedom of speech etc, but having been on this forum for some time i honestly can't say that i can introduce a doubting jw interested in true christianity to this board.
some of the deep discussions on jw doctrine are excellent, but everything else seems to be nonsense in my opinion.
why can't this site be more like the old which seemed to have more spiritual meat rather than backbiting, gossip, and rumour and even obscenity.. sorry for my frank opinion
One quick question ... so since 'god' is returning to take over the earth, how come it's YOUR god that's coming? Why isn't the Muslum god coming instead? Or Buhda, etc? Why does YOUR god take presedence over the rest of the world's gods? Just because you were raised in a certain part of the world?
The Baby and the Bath Water
by NeonMadman inthe other day, i was messaged by a young jw guy (using yahoo messenger, where i am breezyone2001; chat me up, gang!).
his opening line to me was, "why are you attacking the witnesses?
" i responded by asking him in what way i was attacking the witnesses, and he said that he saw my name in a yahoo club for ex-jw's.
"Or maybe it's because when some people start questioning their religion, they continue the process and question all religion."
Agreed. I don't understand why people assume an atheist is an atheist because they want to 'get away with being bad' / avoid guilty conscience, or in the x-JW case, because they cling to the 'all other religions are bad' thought. I know for myself, once I objectivally studied the bible, and other 'holy' books, it became quite obvious that these were the writings of men - and were used in religions to control the people. I see no hand of god in those books or in any religion today. End of story. So, until I see a fellow walking on water, turning water into wine, or smiting people with fire from heaven, I'll just keep on keepin' on!