JoinedTopics Started by Dunedain
Are the J.W's reaching a "Tipping point"?
by karter ini haven't been to a meeting in 15 years but my mother and sister are hard as j.w's.
the brothers they are appointing elders are at best suspect like one guy from my old hall made elder,big time drug used before becoming a j.w his talks are all over the place and would have struggled to make m,s years ago but with at least 60 to 70 % of young ones leaving the pool to pick from is at best reduced.. 2 other recent elders both young and zero life experience both on benefits one not well at all falls asleep all the time.. the decent,kind elders mostly older and are decent people with alot of life experience are burning out fast as there are so few of them left like 3 per congro of 100 publishers.. then you have the rich elders who wouldn't ever think of inviting some poor older or mis-fit person out to the expensive placers they go to as they couldn't afford to go so they are above the r&f and the r&f get pissed off with them.
then we have the ones who have "put the kingdom 1st" who are now old worn out and barely getting by from welfare cheque to welfare cheque that are saying "the system should have been over many years ago" it's still here and they are struggling everyday.. then there are the pioneers who have a low payed reduced hour job that seem to think anyone who has anything is totally materialistic and looks down on anyone getting a new car buying a house ect.. along with the child abuse issues,the generation change,access to information the the g.b don't want anyone to know ,not to mention the issues around blood.. is there a tipping point coming????
Is it really that great being one of the Governing Body Members?
by John Aquila inmovie stars travel to, or buy their own private beaches, they get invited to fun parties, and are able to buy not one, but several fast sport cars like jay leno.
they can buy their own planes and helicopters and fly them like harrison ford.
(how much fun would that be?
Sheep who mate in front of stripey trees will produce stripey offspring
by purrpurr ingenesis 30:37 leaving aside the whole "joseph cheats laham out of his flock" issue.
one passage of scripture that i've missed until now is 30:37 where it says how joseph got all the sheep to be stripey etc ( btw have you ever seen a stripey sheep?
cos i certainly haven't!).
"So that we will not be confused with salesmen, it is best not to mention the donation arrangement unless we are asked..."
by Island Man in"so that we will not be confused with salesmen, it is best not to mention the donation arrangement unless we are asked how our work is financed.".
this damning quote is found on page 1 of the september 2015 our kingdom ministry, the last sentence in the 3rd bullet point under the sub-heading how to do it.
this quote amounts to an implicit admission that the jw practice of mentioning the donation arrangement to householders at the door, makes them look like door to door salesmen.. why would "jehovah's organization" be engaging in a practice that is nothing more than a transparent attempt at undercover soliciting?
I'm sick of...
by freemindfade ini'm sick of.... ...having an elder i barely know invite himself over to my house, and bring another asshole elder with him, you know, to "see how i'm doing" f-ck them.
...having same elder with all insincerity approach me at the beeting and before inviting himself over, ask, "how are you doing?
" then when i say everything is great, go ahead and invite them selves over anyway.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
Who Are Your Past Circuit Overseers? It's a small world..
by mentallyfree31 inwho were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
What Was The Silliest "Offense" That You Were Counseled For?
by minimus inwhen i was a teenager, i was told by an elder that because i smiled a lot and was known for my good sense of humor, that i should come across as "more serious".
so before i was appointed a ms, while in my late teens, i transformed myself into a much more "serious" brother.. were you ever told that you needed to work on something that you knew was stoopid?.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses churches have no windows?
by Kenneson insomeone asked columnist phillip milano of the jacksonville, florida times union this very question.
you will find remarks of several individuals and the reasons they offer, ranging from deterrence to vandalism, to saving on air conditioning bills, etc.
even j.r. brown gives his two-cents worth and replies to critic paul blizzard.. http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/080106/enm_4104779.shtml