Listen, this is a religious cult whos roots are based in charlatanism. A group that peddled door to door, under the guise of fulfilling scripture, their own printed books and literature for a profit, and with free labor.
This is a group that sold regular bushels of wheat from Bethel, claiming it was "miracle wheat", and at $16 bucks a bushel, when the going rate was around a $1 per bushel.
This is a group of charlatans that switched from a publishing company who peddled their own made up lies, to a real estate company that sells the very buildings they use for worship, right out from underneath those same worshipers who paid for them.
This is a group that systematically used and still uses free slave labor from its own blind followers, for financial gain. Then once they have used them up, throws them out into the very world that they condemned, and to fend for themselves without an ounce of help.
Meanwhile, the leaders of this group build for themselves a palace and opulent compound for THEMSELVES ONLY.
No, this group does NOT do charitable work for the poor. Instead they actually USE and ABUSE their own members. That's truly who these people are, and have ALWAYS been too, from the very beginning.
You will know my followers by their fruits. That's what Jesus said. Well, the WTBS has had nothing but rotten, disgusting, fruit full of worms and lies. Time to cut down the evil tree.