I truly say to each his own, but with that being said, myself personally, I could never understand why someone who left the Borg would ever get involved with another denomination of Christianity, or at least in an organized way.
I would be more prone to go towards a completely different faith, like Hinduism lol, than Christianity, simply for the fact that it would be a different beast all together, and a learning experience. Again, this is if I went in an organized religious way.
I think I still "lean" towards Christianity, when it comes to a religious mind set, but it is my own version of it, based on my own knowledge, and gleaning of information. I find it crazy to me, when I hear of someone who was a JW, left, and went back to Catholicism. I know specifically of an old family friend who did just that. I don't get it.
Again, to each his own though. If that makes you happy, then so be it. Personally, I would rather dive in head first into learning about evolution, than diving into another version of organized religion. I am at a phase now where gaining knowledge in subjects I am not as educated in, is my goal. I want to learn more about evolution, for example, if its real, how it works, what the facts are, so I will direct my time n energy in that direction.
I just don't feel that another form of Christianity is worthy of my valuable time and resources. Again, just my personal opinion.