I agree with mdb. I know of no evidence in the Bible to support the "Paradise Earth" doctrine. And even if there were, I would still be skeptical as I don't consider the Bible to be a very reliable document if taken from a literal point of view. The truth is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God and no one is going to be lost. A more likely scenario is that this entire universe will dissappear when we realize that we have only been dreaming that we are separate and apart from our Creator. In the story of the Prodigal Son, it says that when he found himself in really dire straits "HE CAME TO HIS SENSES". Hopefully we will do the same in the very near future.
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Removing "God"
by startingover in.
with the continuing thiest-athiest debates that go one here, i have a question, mainly for believers.. as a believer in god, how does it make you feel when you hear about athiest michael newdow's efforts to have "in god we trust" removed from us currency?
i guess this question could include the 10 commandments being displayed on public building issue, or removing reference to god from the pledge of allegiance.
If spirits exist, and really communicate with some people, then why...
by AlmostAtheist inif spirits really exist, and really communicate with some people, then why don't the people ever ask anything that anyone cares about?!?!.
"when did you die?".
"did you own any pets?".
Little Toe makes a good point. Where does it say that when you die you become enlightened? How would a dead person (spirit) be able to know about the future or even someone elses past?
Re: Demons
There is a line in A Course In Miracles that speaks to the point. "That which you defend against, you make real to your own mind".
Tax the churches
by startingover ini came upon this letter to the editor in my morning newspaper:.
churches ought to be taxed like others.
after sept. 11, 2001, i think it was jerry falwell who said that it happened because people turned away from god.
Bad Idea! The power to tax is the power to destroy. The founders of our nation were wise enough to recognize that. I know that some churches stretch the bounds on tax law and should be taxed on some of their activity, but you don't want to put that power in the hands of government. What if the muslims became a majority in this country? Do you think that they would hesitate for one minute to tax the Christian churches out of existence?
Of Late Many Here Seem To Be Preaching Aethiesm..
by Qcmbr inwhen i first came here a while back there was plenty of discussion around and about jw topics and general chit chat but of late i've felt quite a sharp increase in posts that are: .
1/ preaching aethism (as opposed to putting it forward in a respectful way as an alternate viewpoint.
2/ vitriolic attacks on those who dare have another view ('damn those stupid heretical believers') .
Well said James Thomas! Your post reminds me of a line from "The Master's Notebook-Reminders for the Advanced Soul" which is contained within Richard Bach's Book, "Illusions".
"The original sin is to limit the IS.
Another line from that same source which is appropriate to this discussion is:
"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar call the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
I do confess with getting a bit upset by those who want to hold God responsible for this mess that we have created. Thank God it is only a dream!
Creation stories -- why?
by Narkissos inthe issue of creation is very often discussed here.
i for one don't feel the need for yet another "creation vs. evolution" debate, nor even for an additional discussion on the details and meaning(s) of the genesis stories.
rather, i would like to start a more basic discussion on creation narratives in general, as those seem to be found in most cultures as far back as the history of writing goes.
As Skyman said, the questions are basic. Who am I? Where did I come from? How did I get here? One of the best creation stories I ever read came from a book called "Awaken From the Dream" by Gloria Wapnick. It has the advantage of never having been edited and revised as have the creation stories in Genisis. Basically, her story says that this earth was created by we ourselves as a place to experience separation from God. Or as" A Course In Miracles" puts it, an insane idea at which we forgot ot laugh.
Anyone ever had a Kidney Stone?
by whyamihere inoh my god it was so horrible....was the worst pain i have ever been in.
it was a 3 hour labor contraction....i couldn't even walk.
i was crawling into the emergency room.
I've had about 6 stones. One was so large that I had to have a renal lithotomy to get it out. That is where they slice you open like a watermelon and extract the stone from your kidney. The small ones are the worst since they cause the renal colic. I had some tumors on my parathyroids which were causing me to flush a lot of calcium through my system and forming the stones. Since they removed a couple of my parathyroids, I've only had a couple of stones. You probably should have a blood test to check your calcium/phosphorus levels and see if they are unusually high.
Can the Jehovah's Witnesses society be sued
by caz inmy sister who is the ex wife of the fellow i posted about,( re: commiting suicide) was a jw for 17 years being df'd 4 years ago.
i have told her about this site and read to her the replies to the posts i have made and she has had a browse around but will not join yet as she does not have access to the internet, although she really loves the site.
she and i were talking this morning and thru me she would like to ask; does anyone here think it would get her anywhere if she were to sue the watchtower society for years of guilt and mental stress she and her late ex husband have suffered?
An old lawyer friend of mine once put it this way:
"Sue? Anyone can sue! Collecting, that is the trick"
As has been pointed out, a large organization can run up the cost with time and depositions so that the individual can't keep up with the costs involved.
Question need advice
by pc inwhen my brother (who was just removed as an elder) comes over this weekend is there a way i could address the 607 date issue.
my other brother will also be over and he left the jw's about 4 years,and knows about all the lies and nonsense of the watchtower.
he has read some of the books and knows the dates are wrong.
Go slow! You don't want to frighten him. Remember, it is scary to give up your life jacket when you don't know how to swim. Most JWs are not in the habit of thinking for themselves as that form of activity is discouraged by the GB.
underfunded and desperate?
by colorado5591 inhey!
what site can you recommend to buy the cheapest plane ticket?
my g-pa is sick and i need to get from dallas to burbank or lax california?
Don't wait too long. AirTran is discontinuing service on the LAX route and that will allow American to double the fares. The only thing keeping the fares halfway reasonable was the competition from AIRTRAN.
Does anyone know of a good church I could go to?
by Andrea Wideman inafter being a catholic and a jw i am really gun shy about organized religions.
i identify myself simply as a christian.
i am looking for a church to go to for fellowship.
finding my way
You are mistaken if you think the Church of Christ is Non-Denominational. It is one of the larger denominations of "orthodox" christianity. It is bible based and one of the more fundamental groups around. It comes out of the same roots as the Disciples of Christ (Christian Churches). The Christian Churches are much more liberal, however. The Churches of Christ typically don't have instrumental music or organized missionary societies. It might be a good stopping place for someone just coming out of the Jehovah's Witnesses.